004, bop to the top

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chapter four.


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bop bop bop, BOP TO THE TOP
SLIP AND SLIDE and ride that rhythm !

     The sound of instruments echoed through out the hall as the seventh grade band assembled and warmed up their instruments for class to begin. Instantly amongst entering the room Maya quickly walked over to Anna who has been fixing her French horn, "Alex broke up with Heather!"

Anna leaned back in her chair, shocked as excitement rushed over her. "Are you loosing your mind?" Maya asked her with a huge grin. The two girls started to express excitement before Anna began to play a small song on her horn.

Anna stood from her seat as Maya joined her in a celebratory dance. "All right. Everybody, take your seats, please." The band director instructed as he walked in the room.

Instantly Anna sat back in her seat and Maya quickly walked back to her spot at the timpani.

As the band director announced 'exciting news' to the group, they all got pulled from attention as a voice spoke up from the back row. "Alex Nolan is single!" Gabe announced in an excited tone.

"That's old news, Gabe.. He's already like, totally talking to Luna." Emaline chimed in from her spot eat the trumpet section, causing Luna to turn and nod with pride from her seat in the front row with all the other flutes.

"That's unfortunate." Gabe began, "I mean, like. Unfortunate if you're a girl, and stuff." As the boy continued to go on a rant to 'clear his case' the whole band continued to awkwardly stare at him.

"This Friday is Trailview Middle's "Night of Amazing Music." The director began to explain, "Which means the band and the chorus will be performing for the whole school. And what's more, you will all be performing an original piece of music written by yours truly. You will find the music on your stands."

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