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Erin POV

I wake up and Theo is still asleep behind me with his arm wrapped around my waist. It's been a week since I moved into Theos pack house with him and so far I've met the pack and the kids love me. Which is good...I think.

I try and detach his arm and fail miserably. He only tightens his grip on me. How swell.

"Theo. I need to go to the bathroom. Let me go." I whisper. He doesn't stir. I growl in frustration.

"Theo. Wake up. I gotta piss." He again doesn't move. I growl again. Fuck it.

"THEO. WAKE THE FUCK UP." I yell and he jumps out of bed. I smirk and he gives me a death glare.

"Sorry mister moody pants but me and the girls are going shopping. I already told you that we are. Also you have work to do before Alpha Tyler comes tomorrow." I say as he growls at me playfully and I flip him off.

"Remember your taking Adam and Dave with you." He says as I walk into the bathroom.

"Yeah. I know." I roll my eyes and close the door. Bloody over-protective alphas.

"I have a shower and change into skinny jeans and a white and black shirt with a moustache on it. I leave my hair down in it's ginger curls. I put on my mascara and eyeliner and walk out of the bathroom to see that Theo is already showered and changed into faded blue jeans and a green shirt that hugs his abs.

"Like what you see, babe." He winks at me and I groan. He always does this to piss me off. It's really annoying at times.

"Shut the fuck up and get that ass down the stairs so you can make me breakfast." He rolls his eyes and walks out the bedroom. I follow behind him and he grabs my hand and pulls me to his side.

He makes me waffles seeing as in he doesn't trust me making food anymore due to a few days ago.

Ok. So to be blunt I kinda blew up the microwave. Literally. How, you ask. By putting a fork in there for 20 minuets.

I slip on my galaxy vans and grab my car keys. Yes I got my car bought down.

"Girls. Come on let's go. Wasting daylight here." I yell into the house somewhere.

"Keep your phone on and mind link me if there's a problem." Theo says as we all head out the door. I nod and peck his check.

"Will do. Dave, your in my car with me and Alice while the love birds go in Adams car." Dave nods and slips in the back while Alice gets in the passenger side of my car. Adam and Taylor get into Adams Audi TT. I get in my car and start my baby up. God I missed her. She only just got here from Cali.

"She ya later." I yell as I drive off with 'Hurricane by 30 seconds to mars' playing. All 3 of us sing along while Adam and Taylor follow behind. Seemingly singing to a song as well.

"Aright. Everyone out of ma car." I say. I grab my bag which as all the things a girl needs; Phone, Purse, Theos credit card, Lip gloss, Mascara, Eyeliner and other ladies things, if you know what I'm on about.

"Where first?" Taylor says as she gets out of Adams car which is parked next to mine.

"Hot topic." Alice says. We both nod and head there.

By the time it's time to go home I have bought 6 new pairs of skinny jeans, 9 shirts/tops/vests/belly tops, 2 pairs of shoes and a few sets of bars and undies form Victoria's secret.

"I'm tired. Let's go home." Alice says. We all nod and the boys are more then happy to agree.

We go outside and put everything into the cars. I close the boot and a scent hits my nose. I spin and see some rouges. For fucks sake.

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