Falling Down (Part 3)

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Quick author's note here! I get the feeling that nobody is really enjoying this book, and I'm sorry if you don't. But... it's my story, so I'll keep writing it the way I want to. I mean, you can take the characters and reuse them in whatever way you want: Heck, you can even make your own incarnation of the Saviour, just as long as you keep the Red Police Box, and bits of the backstory. So, without further adieu, let's get right into the story.

Also, beware reading! There is a large clothes changing scene within this chapter, and I will be referring to the Saviour's body quite a bit! If this unsettles you, I shall place a warning on where it begins, and inform you where it ends.

The Phracrossa. That was all the Saviour was thinking about. If it got out into the open, many could die. "Not on my watch." The Saviour mumbled, and picked up the pace. If she didn't catch that monster, her entire timeline would be rewritten, and Equestia would be no more. The sound of wings and hooves reached the Saviour's ears, and she turned her head to see an entire group of soldiers chasing after her.

"Just my luck. It's like I'm in an action story written by a teenager." The Saviour muttered, looking to the audience briefly, before breaking into a somewhat full sprint.

(Meanwhile, at the T.S.I Building)

Mr Twisted is chatting with James Cove about story ideas, when a loud bang goes off, and the building begins to shake.

James: The hell just happened?! Did someone blow a fuse?

Mr Twisted looks out his office, noticing the alarms are ringing. He leans back, and turns to James.

Mr Twisted: Well, it's not a fuse. But... we're going to need a repair crew for the Reactor.

James sighs, and rubs his temples with his hands.

James: Great. We just HAVE to lose the fourth wall again... I'll contact someone for more Flex Tape, sir.

(Back to the Story)

After the... uhhh ... break, the Saviour ran out through the entrance to Canterlot, and kept going. Eventually, she came to a large tree, and the Saviour wasted no time climbing into it. Looking down, the soldiers rushed past, calling out to each other.

"Find that creature! We must not let it escape!" A guard called, before following his fellow troops. Sighing, the Saviour rested in a branch, and felt her eyelids grow heavy. And soon, the soft call dragged the Time Lord into a deep sleep. Memories flashed in her mind, as she felt her conscience drift towards a very distant memory. Before the Time War, before her sister's banishment.

"Mildred! Mother says we can go off to the forest!" Gallelia called, and the young boy nodded. Grabbing his mother's red coat, the two Gallifreyans ran through the door, and sprinted to the forest. Hours were spent in the forest, collecting silver leaves to make wonderful collages, using sticks as swords and having a primitive battle with them, even talking about rumours and gossip.

"Didja hear? Apparently, Lady Romana is sending out Time Lords to start recruitment into the Academy this year. They might come for us!" Gallelia said, her voice enthusiastic. Mildred giggled. "Yeah! We might become some of the best Time Lords in existence!" He replied, and stood up. Closing his robe, the boy started to act like he was royalty: pretending he was wearing Gallifreyan robes.

But Gallelia didn't laugh. The sky grew darker, and Mildred saw the forest burning. The scene shifted, and the Saviour found himself back in Arcadia, during the Final Day of the Last Great Time War. Gallifreyan soldiers had fallen, their bodies lying on the ground. The dark and endless Dalek Night. The enemy descended from their ships, shooting at anyone and everyone who got in their path.

The Saviour watched as the Daleks exterminated everyone: Fathers, mothers, sons, daughters. Nobody was ever truely safe. The Saviour turned, and was met by the War Doctor in the barn, their hands hovering over the Moment. Nodding, they both pushed down on the button, and a bright light flooded the Saviour's vision.

"Saviour." Came the voice of Crimson and Bubblegum, his major companions.

"Saviour." Called out Celestia, beckoning him to return.

"Saviour." The Mane Six spoke, their words comforting him.

"Saviour." The Renegade called, her grin burning the Time Lord's mind.

Awaking with a gasp, the Saviour found herself back in the tree. The sun was piercing the leaves, symbolising that dawn had clearly risen. Groaning, she lowered herself from the branch, bits of bark sticking to her clothes. Her leg had mostly healed, though it was probably stuck like that forever now, or at least, until she regenerated once more.

Upon hearing footsteps, the Saviour quickly panicked, before diving into a nearby bush. The sounds got louder, until something was thrown at the bush, and the footsteps retreated. Deciding to risk it, the Saviour left the safety of her bush, and noticed that a bag had been thrown. Upon further inspection, the discarded bag contained clothes. More specifically, clothes her size. A grey coat, with a red shirt and blue pants, as well as a pair of black boots.

Digging further, the Saviour accidentally pulled out a bra, and visibly blushed like mad. "Er..." she muttered, confused, and decided to run for cover. Placing the bag in her back, she started to sprint towards a place where she could get changed. Surely some pony had to know she was their, but as far as she knew, the Saviour hadn't left a ,quote unquote, "Good Impression" just yet.

A/N: Warning! Mention of the female body parts below! Viewer discretion is advised for viewers under 15 years.

Reaching a dense population of trees, the Saviour placed the bag down, and took off her coat. Not bothering with folding it up, the Saviour kicked off her brown and gold boots, and started working on her shirt. Surely enough, her thoughts were confirmed. She had B sized breasts, and her body had a nice hourglass shape to it. Running her hands across her sides, the Saviour seemed to be impressed. "Hmm, not bad."

Unbuckling her suspenders, the Saviour removed them, along with her shirt. Next, she unbuttoned her pants, letting them fall down her legs. There, the Saviour could see the faint shape of a bruise, presumably where she had just broken her leg last night.

Lastly, was her boxers. The Saviour removed them, and pulled out a set of underpants from the bag. Before getting dressed, the Saviour run a hand down her.. uhh.. southern region, if you catch my drift, getting used to her new body. Finally, the Saviour pulled on her underwear, clipping her bra in the process, and grabbed her new clothes.

The new clothes were well-fitting, like they were made for her. The Saviour pulled out the boots, and slipped them on. Lastly, she put in her new coat. It was very light, and very soft. Reaching into her old coat, she transferred a pocket mirror, the same one from 114 years ago, and placed it in her pocket.

Okay, warning over. I don't want the story to get too far into Smut. If you know, you know. Besides, imagine if you had just become female: what would you do?

Finally done changing, the Saviour decided to leave her old outfit behind, as much as it hurt her. But, in the case guards, or something worse, would look for her here, they would find the clothes as a misdirection.

"Alright, new clothes, new body, new mind. Let's put this girl to use!" The Saviour called triumphantly, and extracted her Sonic Screwdriver. The device beeped, having found the location of the alien. Smiling, the Time Lord started to walk towards the Phracrossa's location. Little did she know, that someone, or somepony was watching her...

AYE, HOW ARE YALL? ITS BEEN A DAY SINCE THE LAST CHAPTER WAS RELEASED, A- wait, it's been about a month or so?! Are you sure you didn't fall into a TARDIS or something? No? Oh well. It's been hard trying to write this. I've just finished the first week of Term 2, and I'm still recovering from my trip to Bali, as their time-zone is two hours behind mine.

So, with newly found confidence, I shall continue the Saviour's adventures! Nothing will stop me! This chapter has been a bit... annoying to write... but I think it's good! Let me know if I need to change somethings please, cause I would love some Constructive Criticism. Alright, good night y'all! See you in the next part of Falling Down!

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