The Voice Coach

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I have to figure out a way to convince Zina to drop this case.

I have to come up with a plan.

My partner, Zina is a very clever woman. She has solved cases that I gave up on. This is one case I know, she wouldn't want to let go.

If this was another mafia, I would have allowed her to go through with the case, but since it's my dad's mafia, I'd have to do the best I can to protect both my partner and the mafia.

I thought of an idea which may work.

I can lure my partner with another case.

Zina has to be the most dedicated person I know, and she loves attention, so I'm guessing that if I give her a bigger case with a bigger villain and a bigger reward, she will let go of the other case and pursue the more interesting one.

The only problem was.....

.....the mafia.

The Red Man Syndicate is a very dangerous and notorious mafia, with alot of members and alot of allies.
The only mafia that I know I would be able to catch is the Oakley Family.

This mafia is an Irish Mafia, which means we are dealing with international affairs.

They are know for prostitution and human trafficking. They would be perfect for my plan. The flaw in this plan is that they haven't committed any serious crime in the past six months.

This is because the former mafia boss died in a raid, which led to numerous protests and riots but whatever. The only way I could get them to commit a crime that is worse than kidnapping the mayor's daughter is to become a friend to the mafia.

This may be more difficult than I expected.

Number one.....joining a mafia is very difficult, because they have to trust you and make sure you are willing to give your life for the mafia boss.

Number two......I'm pretty sure some of the Oakley Family members will recognize me.

Well, it's worth a shot.

*Phone rings*

"Marcus you better not be playing Call Of Duty again" Zina said with a serious tone. "No ma'am, I'm pure" I said with a chuckle. "Get here now Marcus, I think I have a lead" she said before hanging up the phone.

She's pretty, and smart but sometimes she can be a little bit rude.

Wait a minute.....did she just say she has a lead, I need to get my plan into motion.

I quickly arrived at my office while wearing a black shirt with a pair of black trousers and shoes.

"Good, you're here.....and you didn't dress like a clown this time" said Zina.
"My day is fine thanks for asking" I said with an unimpressed look. "I don't care how your day is, do you want to hear the news or what ?" She said while turning on the huge monitor in my office. "Go ahead" I said. "I looked at the footage from the girl's room, and I found out that the girl didn't hesitate or fight when she was being taken, which gives me the reason to believe that she planned it" Zina said while pointing at the video being shown on the monitor."I don't think that's possible, this mafia doesn't accept private missions" I said. "Since you're such a mafia expert, let's hear what you came up with" Zina said before leaving the room.

Times like this make me feel like quitting, but I just try to remember my girlfriend, Daisy.
Oh did I forget to mention I had a girlfriend, well I do, and she's very pretty and busty and hot and, well nevermind.

A couple hours had passed and it was time for me to go home.

On my way home, I decided to check up on my girlfriend at her house just some miles from mine.

As I got to her house, I used the spare key she gave me, to enter the house quietly. I saw a pair of men's shoes and a jacket on the floor. The house was really looking untidy, I started to get suspicious because she doesn't like having men around and this really looked like a robbery. As a detective, my first instinct was to search the house for any witness or suspect.

On my way upstairs, I heard a loud noise from her bedroom, and it sounded like she was in real trouble.

I quickly ran to the door of her room and kicked it down.

There I was, standing in the room with my gun in my hand. I saw a tall brown man laying on the bed, holding my girlfriend's waist with one hand, and her breast with another hand. As I looked closer, I saw that he was inside her and she looked very comfortable while grinding on it.

" Daisy what the hell ?" I said with a tear rolling down my cheek.
"Can you give us some privacy please" she said while she increased the pace. "It's over bitch" I said while storming out the door. "Kindly shut the door on your way out, I can't get enough of this 8 inched machine" she said while rubbing his chest.

Right there, I knew that I couldn't trust anyone anymore, especially women.

Hope there aren't any children reading 🤭.

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