part - 1

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It was a busy day for Paige as she had a very huge deal for the company she was stressed about the meeting and is checking the document's in her office. Suddenly someone knocks on the door.

Paige : come in
Assistant: mam Mr. Johnson is here,And the meeting is ready.
Paige: ok let's go (she picks all the documents needed and walks to the meeting hall)
Paige : hello mr. Johnson
Mr. Johnson: hello ms.william
They shake their hands and start's the meeting.

The meeting end's
Paige : thank you mr. Johnson for giving us your time.
Mr. Johnson: it's my honour, I would love work with this company it's a deal.
Paige : i am sure this will be a success.
( They leave the meeting)
Paige goes to her office and sit's in her chair, and close's her eye's and smile's.she open's one of the desk drawer and picks up a photo

Paige : why are you so handsome it hurts me to know that you don't even know i exist but here i am loving you more than i love myself. Someday I'll meet you tell you how much i missed you and how much i love you but-
(Someone bursts into the office Paige quickly hide's the picture which is in her hands and shout's)

Paige : what the hell who is-
Stacy : it's me your darling chill don't shout agh my ears-
Paige: why don't you change i told you a million times.
Stacy : yea yea whatever it's your office means it's mine too. Anyway what are you hiding
(She goes closer to Paige and tries  to see's what it is but Paige hide's it)
Paige : ek why don't you mind your own business
Stacy : naur i can't control my excitement show me show me please ( she whines and Paige think's for a time and show's the picture to Stacy )
Stacy : omg it's-

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