« One »

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Jasmine rolled out of bed and hissed as her feet hit the cold hard wood floor. She was 18 and still very much a young innocent child. She was deprived of her mother at such a young age. Her mom had died of unknown tragic reasons. Reasons her dad didn't want to speak of. The same man known as her dad currently lays on his death bed, slowly dying of old age. Jasmine was fully Italian and blessed with great genes. She had a small waist and big breasts and a nice hips giving her a great hourglass figure and despite her lazy persona she looked fit. She had a slim oval shaped face with nice cheek bones and a good jawline. She had her mothers forest green eyes and her fathers dark chocolate brown locks. She had a small slim nose like her mother and big bold eyes like her father, but olive colored skin like both. Her gorgeous locks stopped right below her elbows and were thick and wavy like her mama's. She was the spitting image of both parents and she did not care for anyone's acceptance and didn't take bullshit from anybody. Jasmine was a sassy woman who went by her own rules, up until today that is.

She quickly got ready for the day and caught a cab to take her to the hospital that her dad was staying in.

After a while she paid the driver and hopped out of the cab then went up to her fathers room. Her feet followed the path she had taken least a hundred times and it led her straight to the door of her fathers hospital room. All of the nurses and doctors there knew her well by now and always waved and said good morning to her.

Soon she took a deep breath and walked inside. She couldn't stand to see her father in so much pain. She also couldn't help to notice the nine men standing in the back of his room. One thing in particular caught her eye. He looked of importance and the other eight men seemed protective over him. The man stood in a tux and had a small smile etched upon his face although he still gave off a serious tension in the room. He was beautiful. Jasmine snapped out of it though when the man began to speak.

"This is Jasmine, if am I correct?" The man spoke with a deep voice that instantly made her insides melt and her most intimate areas throb with desire. There was no utter words for this man, for he was way beyond being just attractive.

Jasmine bit her lip at the question directed towards her father and she listened as her father spoke. "This is her Vincent, this is my daughter Jasmine. Jasmine come here please, angel. " I did as my father said and sat down on his bed.

"Jasmine this is Vincent Palladino. I did business with his father when I was much younger and could never pay off my part of the deal. That was until now my little one. Say hello to your new finance. You will be the one paying off my dept and settling family ties with the Palladino family by becoming Vincent's wife. Vincent's father and I decided that you two will engage into an arranged marriage. So sweet heart I am sorry to do this to you but you are now Mr. Palladino's property. You will listen to him and follow his rules and you will live with him and soon marry him and give him all the children he desires. Remember child, he is a very powerful man and can do whatever he wants with you so I believe you should stay on his good side." Her father very weakly raised his hand to wipe his tears. He let out a bad cough the continued. "Just remember that I will always love you my little Angel. Stay safe mia Bella. Good luck with her Angelino. I wish you two many good times together, she's all yours now. And remember that your mother and I loved you dear, don't forget that, I'm sorry Jasmine." And just like that her father closed his eyes and his heart monitor displayed a thin line and the small beeps stopped all too quickly. The air was tense and everything seemed surreal to young Jasmine. Doctors and nurses rushed in and Jasmine let tears began to cascade down her beautiful face. "Father", she cried as her voice trailed of and was replaced with small sobs.

Finally a hand grasped hers and pulled her right off the bed with ease. It was Vincent himself and this was not really the time for him. She had developed a new level of anger for the man and it had her fuming now shedding angry tears as if he was the one who caused this.

His deep voice and Italian accent rang in her ears and he spoke again for the second time today. "I am sorry for your loss sweet heart but we need to get going. Florence is a long ways from here." His cold grey eyes shot her a look of what seemed to be sympathy and her anger slowly vanished as soon as it came. He snaked his arm around her waist slyly pulling her closer. She secretly liked the warmth his body was giving off to her small cold paler one during this time of need for her. He led her out the hospital to a limo and she couldn't help to notice that the eight men tagging along must be his bodyguards. She wandered why he needed them in the first place.

He had opened the door to the limo for her and she shakily got in and he sighed and got in too. She had not noticed the guards had got in separate vehicles and it was just her and him now. She slowly took in what Vincent's appearance looked like and deemed him the most attractive man she's ever seen.

"Ok listen mia Bella, you are mine now. You are now my fiance and soon to be wife. And he was also right when he said that you will give me as many children as I like. Don't think I'm all cold though. I did not want to get married so soon and I can tell you do not wish to marry me. These things will change in time however and you will fall in love with me and we shall marry and have children. However I cannot promise you I will be there for you whenever you need me too. I am a very busy man, but know that you are never getting out of my sight little one. Your father has told me many things about you. Now why don't you rest till we get to the air port. I have some business somewhere else that needs to be taken care of."

Jasmine slowly slid away from him, nodded and pressed her head against the cold hard glass of the window. She was really having mixed feelings about him at this point. However Vincent gently pulled her closer to him and lied her on him instead. She didn't mind much because Vincent was much more comfortable than the cold glass.


Vincent and Jasmine were now in his jet long on their way to Florence. Jasmine still had not woken up since falling asleep in the limo. Vincent had thought the poor girl had been through a lot today and didn't want to wake her up from her peaceful slumber. He had picked her up,carried her all the way from the limo to his private jet, buckled her in and still never woke her up. They would be in Florence before she even knew they left California.

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