« Seven »

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Jasmins Pov

"what's the news?" I wondered, kicking my feet and swimming back and forth in the beautiful exotic looking outdoor pool.

"Vincent got caught up in work for a while so he wants me and you to fly out to him." said Ricky as he crossed his arms.

"I hate air planes." I sighed and dived under the water. As I came up Ricky was handing me a big fluffy white towel.

"Come on Miss, we are on the next flight to leave in two hours." I got out and Ricky wrapped me up in a towel. Everybody around me seems to make me feel so small and independent. I just complied and let him wrap me up before I dried off and went to go shower off.

After my shower I laid a few things of what I had on my bed and packed my new I pad and other things in a carry on bag. Ricky put a pink suitcase at my door for me and I packed all my stuff into it. It made me wonder if it happened to be one of Vicent's ex's suitcases but I brushed it off. I did some light makeup for a change and put on a pretty comfortable but velvet material track suit that Vincent got me. It was a pretty emerald green and I put on some green nike shoes to tie the look together then slicked back my hair into a high ponytail and went to meet Ricky outside my bedroom door.

"Are you ready miss?" He asked me, to which I nodded , he grabbed my suitcase and carryon then we walked outside to a black stretch limo.

"What does Vincent do, to make all his money?" I asked looking inside at the luxurious vehicle. It was so unnecessary but I kinda felt like a princess.

"He's.. he owns his own business. He also owns a lot of big franchises, this is more of something you should ask him though." He spoke almost in a whisper and I wondered why. I looked towards the front to notice several more men. Some looked similar to the men I met the day I met Vincent. All of the men looked sharp and well groomed. They were bodyguards. I just didn't understand their use.

Once we arrived at the airport we easily went through security and off to a weird section in the airport I was unfamiliar with. We walked kinda fast and drew a crowd as people wondered why I was so important. Once we were outside the airport again, Ricky showed me to a private jet, Vincent's private jet. They load my stuff up and I relax happily.

Once I put my earbuds in and my music on everything seems to fade away as I stare at the clouds. I was getting drowsy from some pre-flight meds I took so I wouldn't be scared. I happily watched the clouds and reclined in my seat, not really caring where the plane was taking me.


I woke to someone shaking my shoulder violently causing me to wake up from my nice nap. "Miss, we've landed, it's time to get up." I groaned internally then stretched for a while before rubbing my eyes and getting up. After I was up, Ricky grabbed our stuff and lead me to another limo. We road for a while. I wasn't sure where we were going through the black limo glass at the middle of night. I didn't really care at this point.

I just wanted to go home. I wanted to be in my own bed. I wanted my parents by my side, both alive in good health. Not going to see a guy I barely knew anything about who I happened to be engaged to. Soon we pulled up to a gate and the driver spoke to someone after pressing a button then the gate opened. It looked very similar to our home back in Italy. Once we pulled up to the house the driver opened my door first then tended to the other security gaurds. We stepped inside and immediately I was hit with the wonderful aroma of steak.

After walking to the living room I found Valentino. He grabbed my hand and started showing me around. "This will have to be our home for the next month while I have business to deal with here but let me show you around." We walked up stair cases, pasts his office and a meeting room, by the kitchen, to the dinner room, then finally to the master bedroom. "This will be our room, mia Bella. Do you like it?"

The room was huge and the walls were a deep red with dark wood on the floor. Thick black drapery covered our windows and balcony entrance. The bed had a step up to it and also had thick drapery surrounding it, with a duvet made for a queen. There were a few lounge chairs, our own fireplace and a beautiful red area rug. There was a slot for the tv to come from the ceiling and black nightstands beside our bed. Everything had a beautiful and clean modern look to it and I loved it. We even had our own bathroom with a huge tub big enough for us both and a shower with two facet heads for showers together. I was pretty speechless. "I kinda love it, it's fitting." I smiled to Myself and looked around.

"Come on Mia Bella let's get you dressed princess." Valentino grabbed my hand and led us to our closet, picking out something for dinner.

He put my hair up in bun buns and I looked in the mirror, happily

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He put my hair up in bun buns and I looked in the mirror, happily. These clothes were the most comfortable clothes I've been in since I got here. With the weather quickly fading into fall I was happy to be in something warmer seeing that we were in a much colder place here.

We walked to the dinning room and ate alone. We had steak with steak fries and a glass of wine but one was enough tonight. We chatted a bit not really saying much and retired back to the bedroom. 


"Mia Bella, can I tell you something about me?"

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