« Three »

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Jasmine sat on the bed in their shared room, looking around. Vincent had to talk to his cousin so he left her locked in the room alone. She was pissed at first, but eventually she calmed down picking up the laptop he left her to go online shopping. She asked how much she could spend but he just laughed and left.

Jasmine sat there for a minute or so before opening the laptop and starting to search. She starting off by buying all types of makeup products. She finally moved on to clothes and she decided to not hold back at all. If he was really rich it wouldn't matter. After finishing up she moved on to shoes and next personal items and other necessities. When she had finished more than an hour had passed.

Soon Vincent opened the door walking back inside. Jasmine sat the computer to the side, peering at the very attractive man.

He slowly sat on the end of the bed. "Did you find everything you need?" Jasmine nodded then gave him the laptop back. She suddenly gasped as soon as her eyes met the big rock on her ring finger.

"What is this!?" She screamed at him outraged. She bit her lip, slightly admirring the beautiful rock that adored her small finger, completely absorbed in it's beauty.

"You don't like it?" Vincent asked looking at her strangely. Jasmine just shook her head, she did like it but she wasn't ready for marriage. She took off the ring, then flung it at Vincent

"I will not marry you! I don't even know your last name. Plus, if you want me to marry you your gonna at least have to propose." Jasmine huffed, outraged at him.

Vincent just shhed her and looked at her like she was crazy. "You think I want to get married either? My parents are making me, and since your father owed me a favor, you seem to be just the girl." Angelino said biting his lip at the end.

Jasmine shook her head in denial. "But I'm not, I'm not the girl for you and you aren't the guy for me. Can't you just marry someone else? Any girl would do." She rambled on.

"You don't get it, do you mia Bella?" Vincent sighed sitting down on the bed with her and picking up a piece of her brown wavy hair. "You aren't just any girl. A pretty, valuable girl like you out on the streets alone? You wouldn't last a day now your father is gone. However, your family and my family have had some, let's say affiliations in the past and those need to be paid for. It's just out of my hands mia Bella."


Jasmines POV

I looked at Vincent, still angry. I wanted to scream at him but he already looked pissed off enough. He went to hand me the ring back but I shoved it away. "I'm not wearing that until I get a proper proposal." Or maybe I just won't wear it at all hopefully.
Despite the ring being gorgeous no guy can buy my love or attention. I watched as he shoved the ring back in his pocket and ran a hand threw his hair.

For a moment I just stared at him. I couldn't exactly put my finger on why he seemed so intimidating to me. Maybe it was the scar on his jawline, or how his muscles flexed everytime he moved, or his hazel eyes the seemed to peer straight through your soul.

"Come on mia bella. I want you to meet my cousin." Vincent gestured me towards the open door then pulled me closer, gently lacing our fingers together. We walked through the house and I took a moment to take it all in, looking at all the many rooms. I wasn't really paying much attention on the way in but you wouldn't either if a stranger was ushering you into a room of a foreign place.

We soon walked into what seemed to be the living room. Vincent took a seat on the leather couch and slightly pulled me into his side. I looked around the room slightly amazed. The plush leather couches and glass coffee table matched up nicely. The white area rug and box chandelier helped to give the place a more modern look.

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