« Four »

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Vincent's POV

I woke up with Jasmine's head on my chest and sighed slightly. I didn't want to wake her so I very carefully put a pillow in my place. As I got out of bed she stirred slightly and I cursed under my breath.

I quickly pulled on some clothes and went to my cousin's office so we could discuss a few things. "Morning." He said and I smiled slightly. He poured me a cup of coffee and we started to talk business.

"So remember that favor I paid you not too long ago?" Marco asked me and I nodded. He got up and grabbed something out of a filing cabinet. A minute later after he sat down he slid it towards me then lit a cigarette.

I opened the file, finding pictures and documents on someone. "I need that guy taken out." He said carelessly flicking the ashes of his cig onto the floor then taking another long drag.

"Easy kill, I'll get my guys on it and you can consider it done." I said pulling out my phone. I dialed Ricardo's number and he picked up instantly

"Yes boss? "

"I need you to get rid of someone"


"I'll send you the details over text. Just get ready for the job."

"Yes boss."

I hung up and glanced over to Marco. "Easy." He nodded in approval finishing up his cigarette then lighting up another.

"So does your girl know you're in the business?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"She doesn't need to know I basically run the mafia. Me even being apart of it is bad enough but basically having the most powerful mafia gang in Italy? I'm not telling her well until after the wedding if at all." I wouldn't want her being afraid of me. I wonder what she would think if she knew last night she slept in bed next to the mafia king.

I sighed taking a drink of my coffee and then mentally planning out my day. After thinking for a while I decided I would just take Jasmine to the mall. I'd buy her something nice to wear tonight and then maybe we could go on a date. This way I could get the dumb proposal out of the way. I'd take her to the mall, tell her to get a nice dress and stuff then we'd go to my house and she could get ready. After that I'd take her to dinner and propose.

I whipped out my phone and made a call to my security team. I made arrangements to have one main guard with me and Jasmine at all times. However there would be way more than one guard following. I told them where I would be going and they strategically placed themselves to blend in. They would only be there in case of emergencies.

"Hello?" My thought process stopped completely when I heard Jasmine's voice.


Jasmine's POV

"Mommy don't leave me." I cried. I tugged on the sleeve of her long sleeve shirt as she was stepping out of the house into the cold winter air. It was Christmas night and I was only five years old. The sky was dark and many stars were out. The moon shined bright against our skin as we argued in the front. We were standing on the porch of my childhood house as the cold wind whipped my face.

"I'll only be gone for a little bit honey. Just go to sleep please ok? Daddy's home to take care of you. Just don't worry I'll be back before morning ok?" Mom said trying to leave.

"But it's Christmas eve." I stated wiping some of my tears away. "Mommy please don't go." I cried.
"I have to mia bella. I love you, now sleep. Mommy will be back soon." I sighed and walked inside feeling defeated as my mom climbed into her car. I didn't know where my mom was going and I didn't know at the time but that would be the last time I would ever see her alive.

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