Chapter 1

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Alison's P.O.V.

I was skipping around the castle when I heard screaming coming from the throne room "you can't do this! She's my daughter, you can't just take her away from me!" Dad yelled, I poked my head into the room to see dad and Odin in a yelling match "yes I can! The farther away from you the safer she'll be!" Odin shouted back at dad I gasped, making dad and Odin look back at me. Dad quickly made his way over to me and held me tight. "Daddy? What's going on? Why do I have to leave?" I asked, panic filling my voice "nothing baby. You're not going anywhere" he told me as he kissed my head and then pulling me into his side. "Frigga, can you take her please" Odin said grandma came over, grabbed my hand and lead me away "no, no, no! Please don't take me away! Daddy!" I shouted, I quickly started crying as I was trying my hardest to pull away from grandma to try and get to dad "no! You can't do this! Give me my daughter back!" Dad yelled as a few guards tried to hold him back.

Grandma picked me up and carried me the rest of the way to the bifrost, I cried into her shoulder the whole way there. Once we got there I saw uncle Thor waiting for me "where am I going? I want my daddy. Why can't I be with my daddy? Did I do something wrong?" I asked as I hugged uncle Thor, tears soaking his shirt a little bit. "You are going to Midgard, and did absolutely nothing wrong my dear. I'm not to sure what's going on with your father right now, all I know is that you have to go away for a while" he told me before setting me down. He held onto my hand before the bifrost opened and we made our way down to Midgard.

Once we made it to Midgard and the bifrost disappeared I started looking around and saw that we were in the middle of a field and right next to us was what uncle Thor told me was a quin jet "come on my dear, follow me" uncle Thor said as he started walking towards the jet "ah Thor, right on time" a man in a suit said once he saw Thor and I walk into the jet "this must be Alison?" He asked, pointing down to me as I hid behind his leg "yes, yes it is" uncle Thor said as he put his hand on my small shoulder "hello Alison, my name is Phil Coulson" the man in the suit said, sticking his hand out for me to shake "hello" I say quietly as I shook his hand.

After watching the three grown men talk for a few more minutes the jet finally started and took off. I had absolutely no idea where uncle Thor was taking me, and it was starting to scare me a little bit. I looked out the front window the best I could from my seat and saw that we were landing on an even bigger kind of jet, once the back door opened I unbuckled myself from my seat, grabbed uncle Thor's hand made my way off the jet. He looked down at me with a sad smile before pulling me into a quiet hallway " come here for a second love" he got down to my level so he was now looking at me in the eyes "I'm very sorry about what happened with your father. Just know that he loves you with all his heart" he told me "will I ever get to see him again?" I asked, tears threatening to spill once again "one day" he said, whipping away my tears that fell "but I want him now" I said quietly "I know you do, but right now it's best for everyone if you two are apart for a while" he told me before he stood up, took my hand and started making our way down the hallway and into a big room full of people and computers.

When we got into the room a man with an eye patch turned around to look at uncle Thor. "About damn time" he said in an angry tone "I'm sorry I'm late, I had an emergency" uncle Thor told the man with the eye patch, I made sure that I stayed behind uncle Thor so I wouldn't be seen "and what the hell was that situation anyway?" Eye patch asked, uncle Thor didn't say anything as he moved out of the way so I was now seen "and why exactly do you have a child?" Eye patch asked "because she's my niece and she needed my help" uncle Thor told him "you have a niece?" Eye patch said, shock and disbelief lacing every word that came out of his mouth "yes, I have a niece. Now that I'm here and we're not doing anything important, I'm going to bring her to a room where she can eat something and then get some sleep" uncle Thor told him before he picked me up and started walking away. We made it to a small room that had a small bed and a little desk in it "ok my dear girl, I'm going to get you to stay here for a minute while I go and get you some food, okay?" He asked as he set me down on the bed "ok uncle Thor" I smiled lightly as I watched him walk out of the room. A few minutes later he came back into the room with some food and a drink "here you go Ali" he said as he placed the tray down on the desk "thank you uncle Thor" I said as I hopped off the bed and made my way towards the tray of food "you're welcome my dear" he smiled.

~The Next Morning~

The next morning I woke up and didn't see uncle Thor, which made me start to panic. A second later the door to my room opened and uncle Thor came in with another tray of food "good morning Princess, how did you sleep last night?" He asked, setting the tray of food down on the desk "good morning uncle Thor, it was alright. How was your sleep?" I asked with a small smile "I slept alright, thank you for asking Princess. So when you're done eating I'm going to need you to get dressed and then I will be taking you to where you'll be staying with your new family" he told me, sitting down on the chair that was next to my bed "ok" I say quietly.

After I finished eating and got dressed uncle Thor and I started walking towards the flight deck where we would be going to get flown down to the ground. "Uncle Thor, please don't make me go" I said, my eyes starting to tear up again "I'm so sorry Alison, but you have to go. Please don't cry" he said as he got down to my level to wipe away my tears and to give me a hug "but I don't want you to leave me" I said into his hair, he pulled away from the hug to look at me "I will never leave you. Never. I will do my best to come and visit you every chance I get, ok?" He stated "but what if you don't?" I questioned "trust me, I will" he said confidently. He kissed me on the forehead before he grabbed my hand and brought me onto the jet. Once the jet started we quickly made our way down to the ground, we landed in a field next to a bunch of houses. When the back door opened uncle Thor and I made our way off and started walking towards the houses. When we got closer to one of the houses I saw that there was a lady who was doing some gardening "ah, Trish! How are you?" Uncle Thor asked the lady who was working in the garden "ah, hello Thor. I'm doing well. This must be Alison, the one who's staying with us?" She asked, whipping off the dirt from her hands "it is. Alison, this is Trish, she's the mother of the family you're going to be living with" uncle Thor told me with a big smile "hello" I said quietly with a wave, causing her to smile and wave back.

After a painful goodbye, uncle Thor finally left. "So since you don't have a bag with you, I was thinking that we could go to the mall and buy you a bunch of new clothes and some new shoes as well" she said, taking off her gardening gloves "that sounds lovely, I think that's a great idea" I told her "ok then, let me just go inside and get my keys and then we can go" she smiled before stepping inside the door to grab her keys and a small bag.

(A/N: hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to like, comment and share!)

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