Chapter 5

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Alison's P.O.V.

After what felt like only a few seconds, we finally showed up on Asgard. "Welcome back Princess" a tall man said from his spot in the middle of the room "thank you" I smiled softly "Alison, this is Heimdall. He watches over all the realms" uncle Thor told me "I know, I remember. I remember when ever dad was busy I would come hang out with him for a while" I smiled at the fond memories that came flooding back. After talking to Heimdall for a few minutes before following uncle Thor and dad to where where ever they were going.

After walking for a while, we finally walked into the large throne room, I looked around and more memories started flooding back. The last solid memory I ever had of Asgard was in this room, when I was taken away from dad and sent away to earth. I had to shake my head a little bit, trying to force the sad memory out of my head. "Father" dad said as we walked up to a man sitting on the throne. The guy sitting on the throne didn't look happy what so ever. "Loki" he said sternly, hearing him talk like that brought back all the memories of the day I was taken away from here.

I was skipping around the castle when I heard yelling in the throne room. "You can't do this, she's my daughter, you can't take her away from me" dad shouted "yes, I can. The farther away from you the safer she'll be" grandpa shouted back at dad I gasped, making dad and grandpa look at me. Dad ran over to me and knelt down in front of me "daddy, what's going on? Why do I have to leave?" I asked "nothing baby, you're not going anywhere" he told me, smoothing down my hair "Frigga, can you take her please?" Grandpa asked, grandma made her way over to me and picked me up "no, no, no! Daddy" I shouted as grandma started walking away. Dad kept yelling and trying to get away from the guards.
End of flashback:

I snapped back to reality when uncle Thor came over to me and touched my shoulder. "What's going on? You look like you just saw a ghost" he asked concerned "um, yeah, I'm fine. Just a lot of things going on right now, that's all" I told him with a fake smile, hoping that he'd not push me for the actual answer. "Ok, come on then. Let's go see your room" uncle Thor said after we watched dad getting taken to the dungeons by a bunch of guards. We started walking out of the throne room, walked up a set of stairs and turned down a couple different hallways before uncle Thor opened a large door, showing a large beautiful room. "I have a couple of things to do, dinner isn't going to be for a couple of hours. Do you need anything?" Uncle Thor asked as we stepped into my room "I don't think so" I sighed, still looking around the large room "if you need anything just open your door and call out for a sergeant" he told me before walking out of my room. I started walking around slowly, looking at everything that has been left behind all those years ago. I looked at my bed, which was a king size bed. 'Who would give a 7 year old a king sized bed?' I thought to myself as I walked over and sat down on the side of it 'wow. I forgot how comfortable this bed was' I smiled softly as I ran my hands over the comforter.

After a few minutes of sitting on the bed, I got up and made my way over to the floor to ceiling window and looked out at the city below. It's crazy to look down and see everybody moving and doing their own thing. I have completely forgotten how much I loved this view until I haven't been able to see it in 5 years, there are so many things that I've missed so much and I can't believe that I've finally got all of it back. As I was looking out the window a few memories started coming up, the nights where mom and dad would tuck me in to bed, when dad would read me books for bed, when dad would hold me when I cried after mom passed away when I was 5. After thinking about those memories for a little while I heard a knock on my door "come in" I said loud enough for the person to hear me, uncle Thor opened the door and made his way in "hey, it's time for dinner" he smiled "has it been a few hours already?" I asked as I walked over to him "yep, now come on Princess" he smiled again before leading me towards the dining hall. When we got to the dinning hall I saw that grandpa, grandma and three other people sitting at the table. "Hello Alison, have you settled in yet?" Grandpa asked from the head of the table "hello and I'm still getting used to things again" I smiled politely as I sat down beside uncle Thor. A servant placed a plate full of food down in front of me "thank you" I smiled up at her "you're welcome your highness" she lightly bowed her head before walking away. During dinner I noticed that the three other people at the table, uncle Thor told me that they were Lady Sif and the worriers three, kept giving me a weird side eye and kept whispering to each other. I managed to eat half of my dinner before I couldn't deal with the looks and the whispering anymore. "May I be excused?" I asked nobody in particular and didn't wait for an answer as I got up and quickly made my way out of the dining hall, heading back to my bedroom. Once the door closed I blew out a big puff of air and slid down and kept my back against the large double doors, I felt a few hot tears fall down my face. I got startled by a knock on my door a few minutes later "yes?" I asked weakly "Ali? It's me, can I come in?" Uncle Thor asked from the other side of the door, I slowly got up and opened the door a little bit. I guess uncle Thor saw the tears running down my face, he pushed his way into my room and pulled me into a hug. "What's going on? Why are you crying?" He asked "I don't belong here uncle Thor" I cried out "what do you mean you don't belong here?" He asked completely dumbfounded "everybody has been giving me weird looks and whispering about me all day. I know that they're talking about me and that they're talking about what dad did. I don't belong here" I told him "is that why you didn't finish your food and left the dinning hall so abruptly? Because you hear Sif and the other three looking at you and whispering?" He asked, pulling away from the hug, putting his hands on my face and whipped away the still falling tears "you have every right to be here, your the first princess this palace has had in 1,000 years. They're just not used to seeing you back here yet, that's all. And there's not much I can do about them talking about your father" he told me. I nodded my head before pulling him back in for another hug "I'll talk to Sif and the worriers 3 about what happened tonight, I promise it won't happen again" he told me, kissing the top of my head before walking out of my room and closing the door, heading god knows where. I sighed, walked over to my bed and flopped down on it.

About an hour later I heard another knock on my door "princess Alison?" Came a female voice, I got up from my bed and made my way to the door. When I opened the door I saw a servant there "how can I help you?" I asked nicely "I'm here to help you get ready for the night" she told me, I got out of the way and let her in. 5 minutes later the servant, who's name a learnt was Jasmine, had the bath ready. After I finished washing my hair and body, I wrapped my hair and body in a towel before I made my way out of the bathroom and Jasmine had my pyjamas ready for me. "Thank you Jasmine, goodnight" I smiled lightly "you're welcome princess, goodnight" she smiled back at me before she made her way out of my room.

It's been a week since we've arrived back on Asgard. To say that things were still overwhelming is a major understatement. I was still receiving strange looks from everybody here in the castle and around the city, the only people who weren't looking at me differently were grandma, grandpa, uncle Thor and the servant, Jasmine, who always helped me out with things.

I made my way down to the dungeon, making sure nobody saw or followed me along the way. I walked around a little bit before I finally found dad in his cell. "Hey" I breathed as I walked up to him "Ali? What are you doing down here?" He asked in a worried tone, coming over to where I was standing "I wanted to come visit" I told him, sitting down on the stairs that were beside his cell. "You look stressed, are you ok?" He asked, sitting down across from me "not really" I nervously laughed "why? What's going on? Has anybody hurt you?" He asked frantically "no, I'm not hurt. It's just everyone around here keeps looking at me weirdly, it's like I killed there dog or something. I just feel like I don't belong here" I dryly chuckled, looking down at my lap "but you do belong here Ali. I'm sorry people are looking at you weirdly, that's my fault. I'm sorry princess" he sighed "I'll get used to it, if I'm going to stay here I don't have a choice but to get used to it" I told him, resting my head against the wall "are you doing ok?" I added after a few minutes of silence "yeah, I'd rather be out there with you. But it'll be a while before that happens" he told me. "Alison!" I heard uncle Thor yell "I gotta go, I'll come visit later" I told dad as I quickly got up and ran towards uncle Thor's voice.

"So I know that all of this seems like a lot, but it will become a lot easier as time goes on" grandma told me as we walked into the library. "I remember the basics, but I've been out of practice" I told her with a small smile "that's ok, we'll just take it one day at a time" she smiled back at me as we sat down across from each other. The rest of the afternoon was spent in the library relearning how to be a princess, everything came back to me pretty quickly, which was really nice.

It's been a month since we've been back on Asgard and grandma has been teaching me how to be a princess again for the last two weeks. Uncle Thor came to my room with a smile on his face "what's going on?" I asked, placing the book I was reading down on the side table next to my chair "you're father is getting out early for good behaviour and he would like to see you in his room" he told me, stepping out of the way of the door as I got up and bolted past him. I ran down the hallway and barged into dads room "you're out early?" I asked as I ran up and hugged him "yeah, they let me out on good behaviour" he chuckled as he hugged me back.

"Take a walk with me?" He asked as he held out his hand for me to grab "of course" I smiled, grabbing his hand and following him out of his room and into the palaces garden. "Wow, it's beautiful here" I smiled, letting go of dads hand to look around a bit more "I loved bringing your mother here when she was still alive, she especially loved coming here when she was pregnant with you" dad told me from a few steps behind me "really?" I asked as I turned to look back at him "of course, why do you think you middle name is Rose?" He chuckled as we continued walking around. Eventually we made it to a small wooden bench and sat down on it "so why did you bring me out here?" I asked dad "I brought you here because I wanted to talk to you about what happened in New York" he told me in a serious tone, I nodded my head for him to continue "I was in a dark place. First I lost your mother, then I lost you, the two of you were my everything. I know that's no excuse to go and blow up other planets. I got involved with a bad group of people, one thing led to another and next thing I know I'm on earth starting a war. I didn't realize it was to late until I saw you standing there on that ship with those people. I didn't realize how much I messed up until I saw you again. I know that's no excuse, will you ever be able to forgive me?" He ranted, tears started falling from his eyes once he asked if I'd ever be able to forgive him. I put my hands on his cheeks and whipped away the tears "of course I can forgive you. We all make mistakes, but that's how we learn" I smiled lightly before he pulled me into a hug "I love you Princess" he whispered in my ear "I love you too, dad" I whispered back.

(A/N: hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to like, comment and share!)

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