Background and Clarifications

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This is my longest Authors note and it gives background and insight of my thoughts to my fellow readers.

This started out as an Ivar the Boneless fancfiction from History Channel's Vikings. I was/am infatuated with Ivar as a whole. It still is, a Vikings fanfiction but more loosely now. It has since deviated from the show as I had stopped watching. None of the events and people in this fanfic are historically accurate. My historical and political knowledge in the context that I provide in this fanfic is sourced from tertiary and quaternary sources, and my own imagination (surprise). The traditions as rituals mentioned or explained in this story are mostly from my imagination and have no historical context, just ideas derived from other cultures. Please keep an open mind.

If I were to go from primary and secondary sources (that I have studied), the fanfic would be much less exciting and it would drone on and on, and the effort that the linguistic-refining aspect would take would cripple me, and I would quickly lose interest. I have a hard time already coming back to my works. 

Besides, there is no possible way that this fanfic could ever be historically accurate because magic, transmigration, and transtemporal travel are not real. The norns and viking traditions are haphazardly researched, and unless you are a conspiracy theorist or a cult leader, are simply myths and stories and rituals, borne from eachother in anthropological cycles. I incorporated some random Avengers crap in there in one of my chapters, so excuse that bit, I was 15 at the time, and I am too lazy to edit that bit...maybe in the future, who knows.

But what I did try to stay true to is the zeitgeist and the ideologies of the time. Issues of slavery, sex, consent, age-gap relationships, gender and sexuality, power plays between individuals and couples, patriarchal views that dominated the Anglish, Anglo-Saxons, and the Vikings, and the societal structures of societies at the time are addressed in this fanfic. Did I do it justice? Most likely not. Do I care? No, I'm not profiting off of this. These issues are heavily emphasized in how the female lead, who comes from a time that our generations (give/take) are familiar with and living in, interacts with the Vikings (mostly).

If you find rhetoric you don't like, or you find the female lead changing, just accept it. The rhetoric is not meant to be politically correct or pleasant. It's meant to give a loosely-based reflection of what it means to live in a time like this and even then, I know I am not doing it justice that it deserves, even for a fanfiction, because I am fortunate enough to not be able to relate. The female lead changing, for better of worse (you be the judge, reader), is called character development. If you think she is regressing, think of it like this: she is adapting. Like many women in the olden days did. Like many captives of war do. If you like the change, most likely you would do the same thing in her situation. Let me know how you would act, I'm happy to listen. 

The nail that sticks out gets hammered down - Japanese Proverb.

With that said, if you read this note in its entirety, thank you for reading my rant. Without further ado, enjoy. 

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