II~Chapter 12: Allting pt. 2

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Immediately, Ivar and I were surrounded by tall, hulking, towheaded brutes, chief among them was Herfna. I couldn't help it, the sense of betrayal that I felt was magnanimous. Was she that desperate for Ivar that she conspired against him? Against me? She didn't even know me that well. Was our very minor disagreement this afternoon a bad omen?

"Do not struggle," Herfna began, gripping my wrist. In one swift move, she was struck down. Ivar had reigned one solid blow with his fist down on her head. The woman in question collapsed like a duck egg, her head split open and bleeding all over the floor.

"The next man or woman to touch her will suffer the same encounter," Ivar said out loud. "Bring forth the charges and we may determine how my betrothed will be judged. That has always been the way of The Allting. You, King Harald, should know this better than anyone."

Ivar pointed a bold, accusing finger at the King, who flushed, his small, beady eyes dark with rage.

"Hear!" One voice from the crowd called.

"Hear!" Several other voices called until it was one great echo. A wizened man, directly in the middle, wearing black robes and a crown of bones upon his brow slammed his staff down, loudly, three times. The crowd fell silent.

"Take this insolent chit out!" The wizened man yelled, his face contorted with rage. "Break her legs!"

My jaw dropped in alarm. "Ivar--Ivar no!"

"Quiet," Ivar hissed. "The Allting is not a playground for children. Herfna may as well have committed treason. This is lenient."

"She was following his orders!" I begged him in a soft voice but Ivar lacked the compassion. All I could do was watch as they dragged the unfortunate woman out. My heart was shattered. I was absolutely devastated. 

In full view, within the entrance, two men came forth, one with an anvil and one with a hammer. With her legs now tied, Herfna's shins were balanced halfway on the anvil, limp. 


"No!" I screamed, but it was too late, the second guy, with a great hammer, swung his hammer down with terrifying force. My screams were drowned Herfna's own screams, who woke up from the force of the impact. Ivar was now holding my waist in a vice grip. I couldn't breathe and I couldn't scream.

The scene before me was...I don't know. I could almost faint.

"Pull yourself together," Ivar hissed. "Stand up straight and face the judge!" 

I forced myself to obey, unable to keep the tears from streaming down my face. Well, there goes my kohl. As fragile as my current state of mind.

"King Harald," the same man roared. "You will be held accountable for that woman's insolence and recovery. You gave an unlawful order before our customs! The Allting is not a council of lawlessness. You will bring forth your charge after you have atoned for your own insolence!"

The King in question, his eyes bulging with rage, stood up straight. "How will I atone, Midrigar?"

"You will be responsible for that woman's recovery and you will sear your palm of the hot coals for ten bats of a heart!" 

Prince Halfdan, beside him, roared with rage the council brought forth their own cries; some were defiant, and some were in accordance. Three more slams of Midrigar's staff on the ground and the crowd fell silent.

King Harald, mutely, with proud shoulders, pushed his way through and immediately, set one open palm in the fire before Midrigar, the wiseman. For ten seconds, all I could smell was the sound of searing flesh, but none of the King's screams. But I could see him trembling form the pain. When his time was up, he shamefully walked back to his seat.

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