Chapter 2: Out Of Touch

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"Seems like we got company," a female doctor said. "I know, we gotta alert Dr Edwards and Dr Johnson," a male doctor said. "Why, who are these people?" the female doctor asked. "They must be Dr Hayley and her patients," the male doctor said. "The daughter of Dr Arthur Hayley," the female doctor said. "Yeah, we gotta warn Dr Edwards and Dr Johnson, these guys mean trouble," the female doctor said. The two doctors then went to Dr Edwards and Dr Johnson's office where they were flirting before they interrupted. "Rachel, Damien, we have an issue," the female doctor said. "What is it?" Dr Edwards asked. "We got company, Dr Hayley came in with not only her team of doctors but also a team of teenagers," the female doctor said.

"Those teenagers are supposedly known as the Wild Boys," the male doctor said. "Is it possible they're after one of our patients?" Dr Johnson asked. Dr Edwards then took out her clipboard to see what patient they must be looking for. "Oh no," Dr Edwards said. "What is it, Rachel?" Dr Johnson asked. "They're going to see Tony, he's an alien-hybrid who has been in a coma for months," Dr Edwards said. "So? What are you gonna do about it?" The male doctor asked. "Well, I'm gonna stop them, if it's the last thing I do. Tony is my patient, I'm not letting Anne or anybody touch him," Dr Edwards said. "But he's been sick for a while and he's been on immunosuppressants, why can't you just let him recover?" The female doctor asked. "If he were the descendant of my rival's father's test subjects, I'd rather have him killed than have Anne save him," Dr Edwards said.

Meanwhile in an empty lab, Bono used his enhanced sight to check if the coast is clear. "Coast is clear, nobody's walking past us now," Bono said. "Okay, what now?" Alex asked. "I'll try to locate Tony then," Andy said. Andy closed his eyes and felt the floor to locate any trace of alien DNA in a human, in hopes to find Tony. "We should be close by now, just 3 rooms away from here," Andy said upon opening his eyes. "Okay, but let's be quiet the next time we go there," Dr Hayley said before Andy teleported everyone and himself to where Tony is. Well, more like outside where Tony is. "Wait, why are we in the halls?" Maddy asked as soon as she stood up. "Aren't we supposed to be in Tony's room by now?" Curt asked, also about to stand up.

"Speaking of Tony, look," George said. Through the window was Tony lying on the hospital bed attached to a ventilator via a tracheostomy. He was also attached to many wires and tubes, especially a feeding tube on his nose and a few IVs. Roger took a glance at Tony for a second and immediately became traumatised. His childhood memories of his father, biological father, attached to a ventilator via a tracheostomy lying on a hospice bed in his own house. He couldn't shake out the fact his house turned into a hospital because of his father's mitochondrial disorder before he died. He also recalled having one just a few months back because his lungs had failed and won't recover until he was given another dose of alien DNA. "Rog, you alright?" Chris asked.

Roger shook his head, broke down and collapsed. "Rog, hey, don't cry," Chris said, attempting to soothe Roger. "What happened? Why was he traumatised?" Kim asked. "Roger has a mitochondrial disorder he inherited from his biological father that came with the alien DNA," Nick said. "Because his father had complications upon getting it. We didn't know he had it until he had an operation for his appendix, his organs had failed because of his mitochondrial disorder and never recovered before he got another dose of alien DNA," Dr Hayley said. "Did he have a tracheostomy before," Marc asked. "He did because his lungs were severely damaged because of the blood clots, I also had it too but it was due to severe pneumonia," George said, showing his tracheostomy scar.

"Wow, you guys went through a lot," Kim said. "We know and it sucks that Morrissey still bullies us even though our conditions are real," Richard said. "Not to mention, there were girls in Year 10 or something who thought mito doesn't exist, doesn't make things better," Andy said. "Ugh those pick me girls, they're nothing but trouble and I'm glad they got expelled," Kim said. "Do you guys wanna get inside his room?" Curt asked. "You guys go first, I'll take care of Roger for a bit," Chris said. Nick then went up to Roger for a bit to attempt to calm him down. "It'll be alright, Roger, just be there for our friend, okay?" Nick asked. Nick cringed, calling Tony his 'friend' even though he bossed him a lot when he was part of his gang. After that, he entered the room.

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