Chapter 4: All I Want Is You

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Dr Hayley, Dr O'Connor, Dr Mills, Dr Chen and Alex were all captured by the Illuminati. Their current leader, Dr Edwards then went up to them. "This place does look like hell, literally," Dr O'Connor said. "Can't believe we bumped into each other again, and I'm very disappointed in you, Molly," Dr Edwards said. "Don't you dare 'Molly' me, Rachel," Dr Chen angrily said as she struggled with the chains. "Well, too bad, also the poor Wild Boys won't come and save you. As you can see, this place has been sealed so that little Andy won't be able to locate us," Dr Edwards said. "Oh my goodness," Dr Hayley said. "No one's gonna save you now," Dr Hayley said. "I have hope in these kids, they'll save us, you'll see," Dr Mills argued back. "But did I see them? No," Dr Edwards said.

The doctors and Alex continuously glared at Dr Edwards and her army. Meanwhile in the hallways of the lab, Andy tried to locate the seal. "Andy, are we lost? This place feels eerie," Richard said, trembling. "Nope, I think we're going the right way," Andy said. "Andy, can I use my powers?" Bono asked. "Sure," Andy said. Bono then used his enhanced sight to find out if he and the other Wild Boys were in the right place. "Wait a sec, I think I can see them," Bono said. "Where?" Kate asked. "Follow me," Bono said. Everyone else nodded and followed Bono to where he suspected the doctors could be. "Why are we at a dead end?" Tony asked. Paul used his powers and can hear Dr Edwards from that wall. "This must be it, that's where they are," Paul said.

"Great, how do we get in?" Roland asked. Curt then tried to punch the wall using his karate skills but it caused the wall to crumble. "Huh? How?" Curt said, shaking his hand to get rid of the pain. "Whoever's on oxygen or whatever tube, you gotta remove it, this place is an oven," Paul said as soon as the wall crumbled which revealed a hell-looking place. "We gotta get rid of our oxygen tanks too," John said, taking off his nasal cannula and placing his oxygen tank somewhere that's not close to the heat while coughing a bit. "Seems like you need it more," Tony pointed out in concern. "Look, it doesn't matter, we need to save Dr Hayley and the others," John said. "Does that mean I have to take out my trach? I can recall plastic can melt about 100 degrees or more," Tony asked, touching his trach a bit.

"Hold on," Kate said, getting out a piece of gauze and tape from a nearby cart. "Breathe through your nose, please." Kate removed Tony's trach revealing his stoma. "Wow, that looks like a pretty good stoma," Roger said. "Thanks," Tony said. "Yours is already closed up, Rog," Chris pointed out. Kate then closed the stoma with the gauze and tape. "Okay, can you talk?" Kate asked. "Hello hello," Tony said. Kate then pressed the gauze a bit upon noticing that Tony sounded a bit like a robot. "How about now?" Kate asked. "Hello hello," Tony said. "That's better," Kate said. Curt, Andy, Roger, Nick, Richard, Bryan and Tony took out their tubes and abandoned their formulated feeds and oxygen tanks. "Are you sure this is safe?" Richard asked. "Not until our doctors are safe, let's go," Paul said.

The Wild Boys soon entered the so-called hell. "Where are they?" Tony asked. Bono used his powers once more. "Over there," Bono said, pointing at the island. "But how do we get there?" Maddy asked. "I hope my teleportation powers work," Andy said before he teleported himself and his friends to their desired destination. "Glad it worked." "How did you idiots get here?" Dr Edwards asked. "Well, the trick is to think outside the box. As you can see, even though you sealed this place, I can still locate the seal and with the help of Bono's enhanced seeing and Paul's enhanced hearing, we can figure out if our doctors are in here," Andy explained. "Smart," Dr O'Connor said. "Yeah, whatever, now that you found us, I kind of wished our seal was much stronger but I didn't realise someone has enhanced senses," Dr Edwards said.

"That's cuz you're a dumb blonde," Maddy said. "Hey!" George, Martin, Simon, Nick, Chris, Kim, Jon and Bryan said in unison. "Sorry, not referring to you guys," Maddy said. "Just because I'm blonde, doesn't mean I'm dumb," Nick said. "Said someone who failed PE," Simon sarcastically said. "Said someone who doesn't even know history and failed certain subjects," George sarcastically said. "Guys, shut it, the only dumb blonde here is Dr Edwards," Paul said. "All this just for our hair colour," Bryan said. "Okay, the bridge is built," Jim said. The Wild Boys carefully but quickly walked across the bridge so that they could save the doctors. Bono's enhanced sight noticed that they were in chains and shackles. "They're in chains, how can we get them out?" Bono asked.

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