XXX. The Return

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 Leaving the hitchstone is a strange sensation. Althea shoves a bunch of magic towards me. I'm completely overtaken by the warm sensation as the damp jail cell slowly fades away.

I reappear in the secret library to find that I am no longer alone with the queen.

"Mila!" Noelani's relieved voice comes from my right. She's clutching the black hitchstone in both hands, looking like she'd prefer to be squeezing her mother's neck instead.

Queen Reina sends her daughter a condescending look.

"See," she smirks. "The girl is fine. She was busy retrieving an important object for me."

Noelani ignores her mother, turning towards me instead. I feel myself flush as her worried eyes roam over me– Reina seems too intrigued by her daughter's actions and I don't like it.

"Are you okay?" Noelani asks me.

I nod gruffly. "I'm okay." I bite my tongue, wanting to ask about the others, but knowing that it's too risky to do so in front of the queen.

"Whether you are 'okay' or not depends on one thing, my dear," the queen says to me. "Have you completed your end of the bargain?"

Noelani frowns, her eyes turning dark with fury. "Whatever deal you two made is over," she spits at her mother. "We're leaving."


Reina chuckles dryly, cutting me off. "I see you were unsuccessful in obtaining the Niraki," she sneers.

"You came here for the Niraki?" Noelani asks me, eyes shining with betrayal. I have to look away, unable to see her disappointment in me.

I've unleashed something I can't take back, but it goes deeper than that. I broke my promise. Noelani came here to save me. I forced her to see her mother before she was ready.

"Noelani..." I trail, the words getting stuck in my throat. I only wanted to help her, but I ended up betraying her instead. Will she ever forgive me?

The queen raises an eyebrow, her face turning serious. "Noelani," she demands. "It's time for your little rebellion to end. You will unlock the Niraki, and once you do, you'll be able to reclaim your position in the Royal Court." Her face turns a little wistful suddenly– less evil. "Let's finally put our differences aside– Nirasus shall celebrate your return for weeks, my daughter."

Noelani lets out a dry laugh. "Will you finally pass the title on to me?"

The queen glares, her eyes turning icy. "Of course not. Don't be ridiculous. You have abandoned your royal duties for the past decade. Do you really think the people will support you when you've been off doing Deities know what?" Reina pauses, her eyes turning dark. "Both of my children have forsaken their province," she cries dramatically. A wicked smile blooms across her lips.

Noelani sneers in response. "I know what you've done!" she shouts. "You locked me in the hitchstone and purposefully sent me away to Tsulona. The crown is rightfully mine, Mother. You have committed treason. The people will demand justice for what you've done."

The queen's smile never fades. It descends upon the room like an icy blanket, thick with false innocence and foul play.

"But who would ever believe you, my dear?"

Noelani pales, but she doesn't lose her nerve. "The Council–"

"Is dead," Reina says dryly. "Nirasus is mine and mine alone. Trust me, child, it's for the best."

Noelani scowls. "No–"

"The people won't follow you," Reina continues. "You're too weak for the throne. You don't understand the power it takes to lead a province."

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