Vigilante Deku

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After Izuku Midoriya left the letters to his friends/classmates he and All Might left the school and to an area in the city away from the school, Class 1-A was really hurt but none were hurting more than his girlfriend Wolf Rain her fox ears were lowered and tears fell on the letter, she never knew how much of a burden Izuku had gotten since he had gotten One For All from All Might. He told her he was quirkless and that it was thanks to All Might he gotten a quirk but she didn't know that All Might actually passed on his quirk to Izuku; it was unheard of. She was upset with the both of them for not letting her know and knowing that Katsuki knew also even though he figured it out himself. Wolf looked at a picture frame that held a photo of them on their date that they went to and saw that behind that big goofy smile was a teenager that knew he had a destiny to finish that All Might and the other users couldn't finish. The two started dating during the Sports Festival of course she fell for him hard the first day they were in school because he was the first person who didn't cower or was scared of her quirk. Everyone she interacted with hated her because she had fox ears and tail, they always told her she shouldn't be alive because of being a kitsune but she was a normal fox not a magical fox; she had to repeatedly tell everyone that. Her grandparents were the only people who loved her before she started UA; her own parents wanted to kill her because they thought they were cursed and figuring that if they killed her they would be free of the bad omen but luckily the police intervened and their parental custody was terminated and she was handed to her mom's parents and they raised her with love.

Wolf set the paper down and looked outside, she knew All Might will watch over her idiotic boyfriend but it doesn't mean she won't be worried about him she decided to sneak out and just watch over him until the class decides to get him back because she knew her classmates will want to bring their friend back and tell him he doesn't need to do this alone that they had his back. After a week Wolf sneaked out through her window luckily there was a tree beside her balcony all she needed to do was to jump on a limb. She smelled rain clouds coming so she had to hurry and follow his scent or All Might since he would be nearby Izuku she climbs down the tree and ran off, jumping over the wall with ease and followed his scent, he was away from the area near the school almost to the end of the city. She heard his second quirk Black Whip; she looked up and saw him swinging like that American hero Spider-Man, she stayed in the shadows and followed him she assumed he was going to where a crime was being committed.

A tall woman was being attacked by three men, it had begun to rain she didn't know what was happening and why she was being attacked, a man with a cannon arm aimed it at her she used her arms to shield her face right when he shot out a big water ball Izuku kicked it hard dispersing it" listen please calm down..." His right arm was extended in front of the woman crying, the other out at the men" she's showing no sign of hostility" he looked at the scared woman" leave her to me, you can go now" Wolf was watching from the corner and growls lowly how dare they attack that woman, a male said" well somebody like that shouldn't be out this late" another said" yeah what were we suppose to think?" they left. Izuku watched them leave then picked up her umbrella and held it above her head, Wolf smiled softly" still the kind bunny I know and love..." Izuku said softly" you're safe now," the woman took the umbrella and stood up, she was very tall, she thanked Izuku and explained why she was out" at first it seemed like the area wasn't affected much... I guess I thought that everything would blow over if I held onto hope," she let go of her umbrella but Izuku used the seventh user of One For All's All Might's teacher's quirk Float to hold it above the woman's head" I bet everyone else is scared to..." She rubs her eyes gently" you think everything will go back to normal?" The vigilante said" I'll make sure of it" She looked at him in shock. Suddenly a car pulled up and the door went up and All Might came out scared" are you ok?!" Izuku and the woman looked at him, Izuku looked at All might" yes All Might" the lady was surprised" wait All Might?" All Might dropped a bento in Izuku's hands he was surprised, All Might said" Pork Cutlets to keep your energy levels up," Izuku looked at him his green eyes poking through his torn up mask" thanks I appreciate it," he turned to get ready to leave Wolf knew she needed to be known since this might be the last time she sees him after this, she ran up to the three until she was in front of Izuku's back" Bunny..." his eyes widen knowing who it was by the sound of her voice and the nickname only she calls him, he turns his whole body, there stood his soggy, wet fox girlfriend Wolf Rain. All Might was to shocked" Young Wolf... you should be at school in the dorms, you shouldn't be here!" Wolf ignored her teacher and stared at Izuku with an intense stare, her red-orange eyes piercing at Izuku her pupils in slits; he knew she wasn't happy from the pupils only when she was happy and content her pupils would be dilated. Izuku said" how did you find me... the rain should have covered my scent" he knew all her pros and cons of her quirk, knowing what scents and sounds she hates and likes, he had one notebook full of just her and her quirk along with personal info. Wolf said" I smelled you before the rain came and I saw you swinging towards this direction. Just listen to me, I won't stop you from doing this since I know my words won't do much and you feel like you need to do this on your own but know you do have friends that will help you through this. We been through a lot of hell since we started UA like at USJ, Stain, at the Training Camp, Kamino, and the first war with Shigaraki, the Nomus.. and the Liberation people this is no different we all had your back and we still do," Izuku tried not to cry, All Might and the lady stayed silent as they watched the two. Wolf went closer the him and took off his mask and mouth guard to see her freckled face boyfriend he looked really bad, no shower, no sleep, only thing that makes her worry a bit less is that he was eating the food All Might was giving him. He stared at his perfect girlfriend even wet she looked beautiful, she gave him a soft kiss while holding his face in her hands, he kissed back briefly but pulled away because if he continued then he will want to go back with her, he pulls on his mask and mouth guard" go back Wolf it's not safe any more, Aizawa-Sensei will know you are missing and your tail will take longer to dry," Wolf nods" I will but know that I will always love you and when the class drags your ass back to the dorms you are having a good tongue lashing from me for just leaving letters for us all and making your mother cry to," he said nothing just gave her a scratch behind the ear like he always did to help her calm down and relax and floated away. Wolf watched him her tears mixed in with the rain, it hurt more seeing him leave than when she saw the letter.

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