Baking and Decorating Cookies

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Artist: Rarainks; I won a free sketch in November on their Patreon.

It was late at night, a young woman with fox ears and tail was cooking cookies to decorate with her husband, she was dressed in a hoodie that had an oddly familiar design of a hero costume people in the city know so well. She heard the door open and closed, her husband called out Wolf, I'm home," the woman smiled and set the cooking pan down on the stove and went over to the door and kissed her husband's cheek" welcome home Izuku." Yep Wolf Rain now Wolf Midoriya married Izuku Midoriya the number one hero the new symbol of peace after his mentor All Might. Izuku smiled as she saw his wife in his merchandise, it was cute on her" hello Puppy, smells like gingerbread in here," Wolf nods" I thought we put a Christmas movie in and decorate gingerbread men just for fun, help you relax after your patrol. I am so happy that you were able to get half the day off and tomorrow," she smiled. Izuku said" I must thank Urakaka and Iida for taking off any emergencies that might happen in the city, I am free not even to be called," Wolf said" I know you don't like to stay on the sidelines but this is the first time we had Christmas Eve and Day together since you were named number one hero at the Hero Billboard Chart," he smiled softly" yeah, I felt so bad but you always understood even though I see it in your eyes you were disappointed that I wasn't able to spend time with you during major holidays because of my work" Wolf said" I knew it would happen when I said yes in dating you and marrying you, yes it was hard truthfully but I always remind myself you are saving the people even the villans from getting hurt or even dying, families and friends never being able to spend more holidays and special occasions. Thanks to you they have more time with the people they love even the villans and bad guys. Now go shower, get dressed, the cookies are cooling now, I got the icing in the squeezers," she kissed him soflty and went to the kitchen to get the cookies off the tray and on the plate and cleaning her mess. Wolf was a hero but she was a back up hero if they needed more help she would be called in or need to take over someone's shift, Izuku did have his own agency, she helped him any way she could there; always made him a bento when he texts her saying he was staying over late to finish paperwork, she wasn't popular and had some criticism but she just ignores them because any rumors or bad talking to her she knew her friends and husband always stood up for her or cheer her up. It wasn't as bad as it was at the beginning of her hero career. It toned down over the years after Izuku made an announcement during a press conference that wasn't related to the conference, at the end of the conference he told everyone that insulting Wolf was also insulting him and the heroes since she graduated with them and been through the same hell as they have, saying she was a hero just like them; it was while they were dating, she was very touched he and her other classmates stood by herside and said many nice things about her during their press conferences they have even Katsuki did in his own way.

Izuku smiled softly and went to shower, he was very lucky to have Wolf they got together in high school after rescuing Katsuki from Kamino City and All Might announcing his retirement after defeating All For One. After he was announced number One hero Katsuki Bakugou his childhood friend and rival wasn't really happy, he still had his explosive personality but learned to restrain from blowing up any thing when he would get extremely angry, he just let out small explosions and vowed to work hard to get number one from Izuku, he knew he would be more busy than any one, late nights at the office, being called in on his days off even after plans he had with his girlfriend now wife, she hid her disappointment with a smiled and just told him to be careful he knew she was upset but hid it because Izuku knew Wolf would never be selfish and have him stay and make other heroes do it. He would make it up to her with her favorite food, snacks, flowers and other presents he knew she would like. Wolf assured him that he did not need to get her gifts, she understood his important role in the society now that he is Number One Hero and All Might's successor, still he always did any thing to make her smiled. A few times when he returns home from doing paperwork late Wolf would be laying on the couch sleeping, a book she would be reading on the floor, food in the microwave for Izuku to heat up, he would always carry her to bed, tucks her in, kissed her forehead and ate the dinner she saved for him and snuck back in bed then held her close. He asked her why she was on the couch and not in bed she told him she was hoping to stay awake to welcome him home no matter the time but as she reads whatever book she is reading she falls asleep as it makes her sleepy so she never succeeded.

After his shower he put on sweats, a white T-shirt and his blue Yukata; over the few years he grew his hair in the back a bit so he could put it up in a small ponytail Wolf sometimes does braid it, Wolf came in with the plate and squeezers with colored icing inside, on her head a purple Santa hat" just in time" she sets the stuff down, got Izuku's green Santa hat and placed it on his head" there we go! All festive" They had a small table top fake tree decrated with hero themed ornaments like Hawks Wolf's favorite hero, All Might obviously, Eraserhead aka Aizawa their former homeroom teacher, Mirko the rabbit hero, Best Jeanist and their classmates that were able to get Christmas ornaments made in time for Christmas a few that didn't Wolf bout white bulbs and paint and colored them the respective colors and hero costume of their classmates; she never wanted any one from her classmate be left off when it came to merchandise she would always do her best to make her own merchandise of her classmates to show support.

Wolf turned on the TV and find a channel that was playing Christmas movies back to back to back, had it at an appropriate level of volume to not distube their apartment neighbors, Izuku didn't want a house just yet, he told her probably when they decide to have kids but for now a medium size apartment was just fine for the two. They slowly and carefully decorated cookies making them into some of their classmates and heroes, the last two cookies were a surprise between one another when finished Wolf smiled and held up her All Might cookie, her tail wagging behind her, Izuku was still working on the cookie that was decorated to look like his wife, his tongue out a bit, eyes full concentrated, Wolf didn't look at the cookie yet just focused on the movie that was playing when Izuku sighs with content" done..." Wolf looked and smiled as she saw the cookie" awe! a little me!" Izuku smiled bashfully" it isn't good but I did my best," Wolf said taking his hand gently" it's perfect" she showed him her cookie" whoa! All Might! That's really good Puppy!" They set the cookies on the plate carefully so they aren't touching each other so Wolf could take a picture and post it on her social media. Izuku insisted on cleaning the mess since Wolf cooked and cleaned the kitchen, she nods and took a picture of the cookies and sent it with caption decorating with my Bunny, ain't they adorable!? Izuku came back to the living room afterwards, sits down beside Wolf, leans into her" this was fun Wolf, Mom and All Might will love to see these" tomorrow All Might and his Mom Inko were coming over to spend Christmas with the two after Izuku told them that he would be home for Chrsitmas Day. The plan was they come to the apartment around noon and had breakfast, lunch, and opening presents; later on in the night Izuku and Wolf were heading to Momo's mansion for a big Christmas party; all their classmates were going to be there to catch up and just have fun. She smiled" I'm so happy you are here Izuku," she strokes his chin, he had a small scuff of hair on his chin; he does shave it off when it gets too long, he smiled" same here Wolf," he takes her hand that was on his chin and kissed the back of it, their wedding rings shine in the light. Wolf smiled and kissed him softly and enjoyed the night with her hero and husband.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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