Chapter 1

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"Give me a chance to breathe

'Cause I am dying in this cage

Give me a chance to live

'Cause I am lying on the page"

Alex Mav

Indigo/ Nyx

Ten years later

My whole life is an event of sacrifice. Or at least it was. When seven years ago, my brother and I ruined our dad, and we started to live again in our world, even tho we were never the same. First thing first, we burnt our childhood house to grounds so our mom's and unborn's child soul will be free to leave, leaving just the ashes as a memory. We, both, also started our business in Stonewoods after we destroyed our dad's. We change our names, and root history. Now you face Indigo Silver 20 years old, a tall brunette and IT specialist at SilversProtective company led by Alastair Silver, 25 years old, a curly heartbreaker and cold as our name. The youngest millionaire known in 50 years. The hardest part was running from the Irish mafia, people our dad had business. No wonder he was a cruel monster.

" Indi, did you finish with Knox's request?" I heard Zella's voice before I have a chance to see her curvy body stepping into my office. Her green eyes were staring at me, waiting for an answer.

" Yes, check your spam. You should've received it an hour and a half ago." I checked the time on my hand watch to be sure I am right.

" Oh, I didn't check my email for a while, was busy eye-fucking your brother at the meeting." I sigh. Yes, my brother is a heartless Greek God for both men and women, which is a curse for me. Every bitch wants to be my friend to find that secret way to his heart. There is no way and no heart in my brother's chest, well maybe just for me. So, my co-workers find a new side of me. While I was always polite and receptive, after they tried to be my "BFF" I took my beast for a walk. I admit that making a stupid girl cry was cruel, but why the fuck she decided to sneak into my phone to get Alastair's number? She should have known better. Now almost everyone tries to avoid me and my big bro, everyone but Zella. She, honestly, thinks my brother is a devil in an Armani suit. Don't want to disappoint her, telling her about my dad.

" What meeting? Why I don't know anything?" I stood up from my chair, heading to the exit of my office, with Zella following me.

" He wanted to talk to you privately, about the situation." I frowned. I was too busy with Knox's request, so I wasn't in the reality for 48 hours.

" What do you mean...?" I couldn't finish my statement when a deep, harsh voice interrupted our conversation.

" Indigo, my office. Now" Un-huh. Something terrible must have happened. I look at Zella's worried eyes one last time before going after Alastair. He is in an awful mood. I didn't see him like that in... let's say, in a while. When we enter his massive office, for starters, he closes the door and then releases the blinds. He is acting odd, I begin to understand why she looked at me that way.

" Alastair, you are acting strange. What's going on?" He silently walked from one side of the room to another, growing and deciding what to say. After a few moments of hesitation, he finally says.

" Take a seat" Seriously? I have been in suspense for ten minutes, and now he is telling me to take a seat. For saving time and finally get to the point, I do as he said.

" So?"

"LustZashita Inc. is spying on us. We lost Salvatore's project. He just called and canceled on us, we also lost about 150,000 dollars and one week of working under fucking pressure because this asshole wanted it to be done and pulled to his system in a fucking week." I saw my brother out of control for the first time in 5 years. And the main problem is not money or the client. The problem is the Lust family, a Russian criminal family that also has an IT company specializing in protection. Since we moved to Stonewoods, a commercial city not far from Seattle, and started our business, the Lust family was our enemy No. 1. And not because they are criminals, or because of our past. Actually, this town is full of criminals. The Mayor is a professional killer surrounded by drug dealers. Even Marko, the farmer, the innocent sweet farmer, is working on our Mayor selling the weapons. The school program here is based on learning self-defence, shadow business, and criminal tricks. Most of all, people will run from that town, and they will be right.

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