Slenderman x adhd teen reader

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(You're still fourteen<: Tell me if you ever want me to change the age when you request. Please only do teens if you do :D If I did well on replicating adhd in the reader, please tell me. I did some studying, but I'm not exactly sure I wrote it right.)

Your: POV

Fidgeting with my hands, I blankly stare at the grass. I ignore everything around me, including the birds chirping and the wind rustling. Blinking my eyes a few times, I shake my trance. 'How long did I space out?' Tilting my head back, I glance up at the sky and purse my lips. 'Should I start heading home?' Shrugging, I stand up and start walking down the trail. I'm slouching as I walk, not paying attention too much to anything. Seeing a flash of white in the corner of my eye, I stop and look over. I raise my eyebrows, seeing a dirty paper nailed to a tree. Striding over to it, I read the messy written writing.


Reaching out to it, I pull it off of the tree. As soon as I have it in my hand, I'm hit with a feeling of dizziness. Tapping my foot on the dirt ground, I reread the text. 'Oh, I'm so terrified..haha. what a joke.' I teeter to each side while turning back around. As I do so, I stuff the paper into my pocket. "I'm hungry.." I mumble, starting to speedwalk. As I walked, I could swear I heard quiet static in the distance, but every time I stopped and listened, I couldn't hear it anymore.

~Time Skip ~

Massaging my temples, I sigh in irritation and shake my head. 'My mom's going to be pissed.. I didn't mean to stay out an extra two hours. I guess I just got distracted.' Slowly creaking the front door open, I peek in and look around. Not spotting my mom, I slowly enter, pushing the door closed behind me. I jump when I hear a sharp tapping on a hard surface. Jerking my head to the side, I awkwardly smile seeing my mom with an angry look on her face. She is leaning her body against the dining room table, her hand mostly supporting her weight. "Y/n.. we've talked about this time and time again." She growls while stepping closer. I bite the inside of my cheek and tilt my head. I glance up at the ceiling and nod

"I know it's just I got distracted-" I try to explain but quickly get cut off. "Well, stop getting distracted. It's not that hard, Y/n." She hisses, getting in my face. I pull my head back, not liking her slightly spitting in my face. "No.. I don't think you understand. I can't control it." I softly mumble, and she frowns in disbelief. "You're lying." She bluntly spits out. I scrunch my eyebrows together at her remark. "No, I'm not! I even got diagnosed with ADHD by a professional!" I yell at her, growing tired of her not listening. "Y/n, all doctors do is lie! You do not have ADHD. You're just a dumb teenager.." her words slightly stung. I turned quiet and glanced down at the ground. "Now go to your the way, we are going on a camping trip tomorrow, so pack your bags." She sighs and puts her hands on her hips. I glare at her when she looks away for a moment.

"I don't want to go.." I grunt she tilts her head to the side and raises her eyebrows. "Too bad. My boyfriend said he'd be paying for everything." She says, her voice grating. I grind my teeth together at her high-pitched voice. "You never told me you had a boyfriend," I mutter, not that interested, just trying to change the subject. "Oh, he's great.. now shoo go to sleep or something." She orders, I have trouble fully getting up the stairs and not spitting out an insult.
Glaring down at the floor, I don't look up while walking inside my room. Sitting down on my bed, I sigh and slump over, intertwining my fingers together. I blankly stare down at my lap. I listen to the wind whistle outside and tap my foot against the hard wooden floor. Flinching hearing a paper rustling near me, I harshly turn towards the noise.

Licking my lips, I stand up and creep over to my window. I slightly turn my head to the side in confusion. There's another page, a bit similar, but it's just a drawing. I knitted my eyebrows together, studying the drawing. The picture has numerous trees, but between the three trees on the bottom, there's a skinny black figure with a blank face. I shuffle my feet and scan my room thinking. The paper is taped on the other side of me, meaning either my mom did this or someone had to climb up the wall and put it on the outside. 'But wouldn't it be kind of hard to do that?' Shrugging, I open the window and pull the dirt-stained paper into my room. Holding it in my hands, I study the page closer. Hearing my phone ping, I tilt my head toward the sound.

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