18 Wow Skarra

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(Season two now!! Just a heads up I'm going to be skip to ep 3!)

(Your POV)
'Thinks are better nowadays though news reports keep wanting to know didn't question and ask the same ones since I don't give much of an answer. The guys now make me look the other way when changing or close my eyes. Which I understand! They still treat me the same I think? Though sometimes they flirt. Maybe they like how I get a nervous and a "bit" shy..The bad side that I don't like is that I keep ask me out for a date even the other teams do that. I still have to remember my end of the deal since they didn't say anything..'

We are listening to Coach'

(Skip Time a bit)

"Yea! and is it true that Twisting Tiger is Really an alien." Cj says. Twisting Tiger replies with "Can I park my flying saucer in your soccer pitch." We laugh.

(I want to speed this book so skip time!!).

'We are training on the field since profs said that the machine didn't work and Coach wanted to do this training I think?'

(Skip Time to game time!)

'The other team doesn't seem to try? and their subs keep flirting with me!! And I can't stop myself from blushing I'm not good went it comes to flirting or attention...' "Hey babe how about u and me dinner at 8pm give me a shot~ Me and my buddies would also like it if you were to hang out with us~" One of their subs said. "N-No I'm good" I replied. "Come on~ I can show you a good time~ You know you wanna~" They said.

"They said no don't you understand!!" I felt someone come stand in front of me. Look up and see Eagle Eye and Griz on his right. Giving the invincible United sub a glares. 'I don't want a fight to happen' I end up over thinking "sometimes" "stay out of this. Plus I'm only ask if the pretty lady~ Wants to hang out on the other side of the field with the better super league players~" the Sub said.  Now they have their heads against one another glaring. 'Okay this is getting out of hand'

I stand up "Looks like she already made her choice~" the sub said Griz and Eagle Eye both look at me. "Now lady if you just come with me~" the sub said with his hand out. I walk pass him turn around and pick him up. "Whaaa!!" He said I walk other to the other side and look at Vince.

"Hey man I think you forgot your player." I said. Vince just looks at me holding one of his players. I may be Y/H in height but I'm still pretty strong as I been told.  I put the sub down and start walking back. 'It's funny how Skarra isn't here I wonder why? This can only mean trouble..'

            (Skip time to the second part of the game!)

I'm sitting still watching the game. I asked Coach when I can play? "P/N when the time comes I wi-" !!! We felt the ground shake. I look behind me and see... "SKARRA!!" I say with shocked.  "That's my name~ Sweets~ don't wear it out~" He say winking at me. I look at Coach and say "Coach..I.a-m I able too-" I was so excited in my mind but didn't show it "Well have to see" he replies.   

We watch the game go on and see the Skarra is fast and has strength. He shoots in the goal Big Bo tries to stop the ball and he gets hit against the goal net. I stand up with ice which the other team is cheering. "Thanks P/N.." He said. "Don't sweat it! You guys have been working hard! I'll be cheering from the side lines!" I said as I begin to walk away. When I'm off the pitch I see that the ice turned into water.

'At least I didn't hit the ball heh... oh right I forgot that I had to go to profs so that he can add me to the new machine! Maybe that's why it didn't work?' I sit down.

As the game continues Shakes gets knocked down by Automatic. The referee gives him a yellow card. Then Skarra give him a thumbs up to. 'Still up to their tricks' Shakes takes his time.

             (FAST FORWARD)
"He! Always for gets step three!!" Vince says. I walk on the pitch and stand over a sleeping Skarra. "Well ain't that cute!" I say smiling. I take my phone to take pictures of Skarra and medics came check him. Since I don't think it's normal to collapse. I look to where the paramedics are and left him their since I had to get changed. I saw Big Bo and he just nodded knowing what to do. He took my hand so I don't get lost and we went into the change room.

"You know the drill P/N." Cool Joe says. "Yes I know." I say turning around. 'Aww man now I have to wait XP'

(Sorry if the chapters don't make sense heh words 842)

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