Chapter 2

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"He's in," I say to Allison as she slams her locker door shut.

"Great," she says. "He knows we're meeting
around 6 at the bowling alley?"

"Yeah, I told him."

"Lydia, you're sure he's okay with this? I mean I don't want to drag him into anything.."

"Oh shut up Allison! We'll have fun and he'll eventually warm up to even you guys." I'm a little taken aback that even Allison doesn't feel right about Jackson being there.

"Well, cya later today then," Allison says, giving me a doubtful look, probably still wondering if Jackson is actually coming. I wave goodbye to her and walk out the school doors. I walk towards my car, thinking. I don't have much homework today, so I can probably hangout with Jackson before going bowling with the rest of the gang, just to make sure he's in a light mood. I really do wish he would get along with them, it would make everything so much easier. Besides... Something stops me in my tracks before I can finish my thoughts . I see something moving inside my car. I clench my phone in my pocket, ready to throw it. I slowly open my car door.

"Lydia!" I almost throw my phone at him.

"STILES?!" I scream, tripping over my own feet at the sight of him in my car. I'm okay though, because before I fall down, he jumps out of the car and catches me, wrapping his hands around my waist. As soon as I regain my balance, I take both of his hands off my waist and roll my eyes before giving him a cold glare.

"What the heck was that for Stiles?" I say.

"What were you doing in my car? Wait how'd you get in my car?!"

He looks uncomfortable. "Uhm, can we talk inside," he says, looking at anything but my eyes. I open the door and sit in the driver's seat, as he quickly runs to the other side of the car, taking shotgun. I start the engine of the car, and start to drive out of the school parking lot when Stiles finally starts talking. He lifts his head, and gazes straight into my eyes. "Look Lydia, I just wanted to talk, okay? I feel like the past few days have just been..."

I cut him off before he can finish. "Stiles.." I begin softly. I know what he wants to talk about. He's had a crush on me ever since the beginning of grade school, and isn't even still really over it. I knew it all along. The way that he looks at me every time he sees me gives it away. But just last week, he had finally admitted he liked me, after Allison started hanging out with Scott. We had all started to sit together during lunch, and sometimes even hung out after school. But it meant nothing more than that. Stiles and I were nothing more than acquaintances. Than friends. Because of Allison mostly. I did like him, and still do, but it isn't like that. Stiles. Stiles Stilinski. My boyfriend? I shudder at the thought.

Stiles breaks the silence. "Lydia?"

"I'm sorry Stiles, we're nothing more than friends, okay?"

He looks away, awkwardly. "Yeah, yeah, whatever, you're right," he says. "You can drop me off here, Lydia."

"Stiles, this is nowhere near your house-" I stop my car in a store parking lot, and look at Stiles. His eyes are watery. Was he - Before I can say a word, Stiles jumps out of my car and runs away .


Author's Note

Hey guys, hope you like my teen wolf fan-fiction so far! :-) I'm kind of new to this, so please comment on my story & tell me what you think. By the way, this story will be mainly based on Stiles & Lydia and their relationship. Thanks for the support!

Instagram: @fetusdylan

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