Chapter 4

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I'm sitting on my couch, stuffing myself with potato chips while watching another episode of my favorite tv show, Orange is the New Black. I've calmed down, and am thinking over everything that has just happened in the last hour. I should've known. I should've known that Jackson would eventually cheat on me, after I told him this morning that I wanted to hangout with Allison and her friends more often from now on. By hanging out with my newfound friends, he would be giving up his label as popular, and would end up being just another confused junior at Beacon Hills High School. And he can't have that. No, he always has to have the best of the best. So of course, naturally, he tries to find himself a new girlfriend that is almost as popular and good looking as me, so he won't have to give up his worthy status. And what am I? Just a backup to his whole plan. Just a pawn. Nothing more. Did he even love me? Just last week, I had told him that I loved him more than anything on Earth. And instead of telling me he loved me back, he had just kissed me on the cheek, and had given me a hug. I laugh at myself. I probably mean next to nothing to Jackson. All those years of kissing those soft, wonderful lips. And now, I find out that those lips had been kissing someone else's this whole time? I start to sob , going into another one of the several crying fits I've been having this afternoon. But before I can finish crying for a complete minute, my smartphone rings.

I look at the caller ID. It's Allison. Darn, I had forgotten all about our little bowling party in the midst of my sadness. I press the green answer call button, and hold the phone to my ear.

"Lydia, are you still coming bowling? It's 6:10, and everyone but you and Jackson are here," she asks me,suspiciously. She must know that something Jackson did is making me late.

"Uhm, I probably can't-" I start to say, but before I can finish my sentence, I stop myself. I twist my long orange hair around my finger and think. What is stopping me from going bowling with the friends I have always wanted to spend time with? Jackson? Well, I've had enough of him. I'm not going to spend my entire evening moping around while my ex has already found a new girlfriend.

"You know what Allison, I am coming," I say. "See you in 5 minutes." And with that, I fling off the couch and drive to the bowling alley, determined to have a good evening.

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