Chapter 3

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I drive over to Jackson's house, in awe silence. I made Stiles cry. Stiles never cries, and I made him? I sigh. Perhaps I had been too hard on him. He is a great guy after all.

As I reach Jackson's house, I park my car in his driveway and walk up to his door, ringing the doorbell. I hear footsteps coming toward the door. I'm confused, because it seems like more than one person's footsteps. Who can possibly be at Jackson's house? Danny? Maybe they are studying. But as soon as Jackson opens the door, I realize I had thought wrong. It isn't Danny. Or any of Jackson's friends. In fact, if I didn't know that Jackson is dating me, I would've thought the girl standing beside him in nothing but her bra and underwear was his girlfriend.

"Lydia!" Jackson exclaims, taking his arm off the girls waist. "You weren't supposed to be here till 6!"

I feel a tear sliding down my cheek. I'm overwhelmed with sadness, but suddenly, I feel anger. What had I ever done to Jackson that made him cheat on me?! "I came early, because I was hoping we could hangout alone before going bowling with the others, since I know you don't like them very much. But clearly that's not necessary!" I say almost shouting. I start to walk towards my car. I can't handle this.

He grabs my arm and yanks me so I have to look at him. He looks like he is sincerely sorry. "I'm sorry, it was nothing! We were just studying, and it got kind of carried away-"

"JUST STUDYING?" I scream. And then I chuckle. "I was wrong about you Jackson. Oh, I was so wrong about you. We're over." I run away to my car before I can change my mind.

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