Chapter 6

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"Lydia, what happened?" Stiles asks, his voice full of worry.

I look into his warm, brown eyes. I don't know if I should tell Stiles about what had happened between Jackson and I. He seems to understand. He comes closer to me, tilting his head a little to the right. He studies my face and plays with my hair for a while before he finally looks into my eyes. He holds my hand and softly strokes it with his fingers. He's so caring.

"Lydia, whatever it is, you don't have to tell me. But always know that I will be here for you no matter what," he says, without a hint of doubt in his voice. That one sentence breaks me down. I start crying.

"It is Jackson. I went to his house a little earlier then the time we planned to meet at today and caught him with another girl," I say, remembering.

Stiles gapes at me. He looks like he's about to shout but no words come out of his mouth. Instead, he starts to race out of the bathroom, his hands turning into fists. But before he makes it out, I grab his arm. "Stiles, no. Just leave it. I'll deal with him later. I should've known it was coming."

"But-what-how-why," he says, starting a million sentences, but not finishing them. His face is full of anger and surprise. I look away, not wanting to explain. I can already feel the tears sliding down my face.

"I don't know why or what I ever did to him that made him stop liking me, although I'm not sure he ever really did. It's probably because I wanted to hangout with you guys, but-"

"Lydia, I can't imagine a guy who wouldn't want a girl as beautiful and smart as you. And anyone who doesn't appreciate you obviously doesn't deserve you."

I smile. Stiles really was the best. I look up at him. I am surprised at how close he is standing to me. He tilts his head toward mine, and closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath, and before I can stop him, he puts his lips to mine. I almost recoil from him, weirded out by the fact that I am kissing Stiles Stilinski. But when his lips touch mine, I feel like it's the best thing I've experienced in my whole life, and I want more. Instead of recoiling, I keep kissing him with all the energy I have in my body, leaning in. At this, he moves closer to me, pressing his chest into my breasts. I set my hands on his neck, while he sets them on my hips, slowly moving them downward. I don't know what's gotten in to me, but I don't think I've ever even kissed Jackson this intimately. Finally, after almost a full 2 minutes, I back away. And just at that moment, Jackson walks into the bathroom. 

Author's Note: 

I wrote this part of the story more than a year ago but am just publishing it now haha! But I'm going to start adding more chapters to this fanfic so stay tuned! 

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