Chapter 5

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I walk into the bowling alley. I scan the room for any sign of my friends, and I see one of them standing to the far left of the room. I start to walk over to her. 

"Allison!" I call. Allison turns around and waves to me with a smile. I join her. She is picking out the bowling ball she will use during the game. She picks a shiny, pink one off the rack. "Where are the others?" I ask. 

"I think they're buying food," she says, with a laugh. Her face suddenly turns serious, and she looks around to see if anyone is watching us. Then, she walks closer to me and puts her mouth to my ear. "Did anything happen between you and Jackson?" she asks, whispering to me in a tender voice. 

"What?" I ask. 

"I mean, you were planning on skipping coming here, and when Jackson arrived about 10 minutes ago, he asked where you were and seemed a little frantic," she says, in a careful tone. 

"Wait, Jackson's here?" I ask, confused, and feeling anger rising in my chest. 

Allison frowns. "Of course he's here Lydia. We invited him, remember? Is something wrong? Look, there he is walking towards us right now!" 

I turn around. Scott, Malia, Stiles, and Jackson are walking towards us, with a large bag of popcorn in their hands. I look at Jackson. He is looking at me, staring into my eyes and pleading for my forgiveness. I am angry at first. How dare he show up here after he cheats on me with another girl? How dare he act like nothing ever happened? I look away. He runs towards me, and holds my hands. 

"Lydia, please forgive-" he starts. But before he can finish, I run. Yelling and crying, I run into the girls bathroom, feeling betrayed and used. I lock myself in the first stall I find and sit on the toilet seat. Tears are dripping down my face, ruining my mascara and my eyeliner, but at the moment, I could care less. Was this how Stiles felt when I had rejected him? Oh, Stiles! Thinking about him throws me into another fit. He would never talk to me again, after I had acted so rudely towards him. The fact that I had made him go through what I am going through breaks my heart. How had I refused to date the sweetest guy that probably ever existed? Suddenly, I hear the door to the girl's room squeak open. 

"Lydia?" a voice says quietly. It is definitely not a girl's voice. It must be Jackson. I wipe my tears away with my hand, knowing that my face is still probably a mess, but not caring. I get ready to burst open the stall door, and get ready to yell at Jackson for everything he is putting me through. But when I open the door, it's not Jackson I see staring at me with caution and tenderness. It's Stiles. 

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