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Right when the coronation started everyone was rushing to the food. There was strawberries with a chocolate fountain. And there was a giant bowl of fruit. They even had cake that had Kara and Avians name like it was a wedding. Kara was sitting at her favorite bench in the garden when Avian had walked toward her. "Is it just me or is the cake a little cringey?" He says. "Yeah, it's a little straight forward too." She laughs out. "It feels like we're having our wedding already!" Avian blurts to her face. While they were talking about the cake sir uncle appears. "I see your getting along well...I guess I chose the right man for you Kara." He smiles at her. Of course he fucking chose the boy I had to marry. They say nothing and just stare at him clearly wanting him to leave. "Alright I'll leave you love birds to it." He walks away into the rest of the crowed. "I don't really like him." Avian says. "Yeah me either. I heard he's a vampire along with other guys he hangs out with." Kara tried to convince Avian that he's a vampire so that there's at least someone on her side about sir uncle. "I've heard that rumor too. I'm not sure if it's true but from the look on your face yesterday when you exited his office it seemed like you were harmed?" "You read my mind Avian." His eyes widens. "Oh shit it is true." Kara feels glad that he trusts her statement. "Come along everyone, it's time for an announcement and a dance!" Kara's mother announces. "Well, let's go then." Avian grabs her hand to keep the act in place. Kara knew what he was doing as he is very dedicated to leading next in the family even if he doesn't love the women he is marrying. "Just stick to the plan." Avian walks over to the crowed and on the stage. "This is our new couple that will soon enough be newlyweds!" Avian and Kara's mother would go back and forth saying how much they are grateful for this marriage that will bond a bigger family. And to Kara it was just bringing more food for sir uncle. "Now let's dance!" Kara's mother says. They walk back down the stairs but this time Kara brings him down. She brings him to the side as she is not a big fan of slow dancing. "Shall we?" Avian says. "I'm sorry but I can't dance..." "we have to keep the attention kara so that we don't get killed." What was he thinking saying that in public? "Killed?" Kara whispers. "You know sir uncle." "Oh, I guess that is a point..." she looks at him nervous as the two mothers had approached them. "Hello Avian I am Kara's mother." Avian waves at her. Avians mother was deaf and Kara's family had learned sign language ever sense they were just little kids. Kara's mother signals that she can say hi. "Hello, I'm Avians mother." His mother hand signals. Then Kara says "your beautiful ma'am." and Avians mother signs back "thank you!" They all smile and then dismiss themselves.

When the dance was nearly over Kara was sitting at a bench while Avian was talking to people. Kara had noticed Hiko in the crowed but this time with a suit on covering his deer like legs and a top hat to cover his horns. "What the hell?" She looks at him and Hiko notices her and walks up to her. "Hiya Kara." He says smiling at her. He sits next to her. "I didn't think you would come." She says making a bore face. "Me either. It just sounded fun so I joined in." He smiles like he hasn't been happy in years. "You sure your not going to be noticed?" "Sure of it!" He says confidently. "Your crazy." "I know..." he gets scared all of a sudden and his smile falls. "What is it?" "I...I can't..." he stutters out to her. He gets up and takes her hand "follow me." Kara slips away her hand. "We can't just go in the forest right now." She whispers as she looks at the crowed to make sure they weren't looking at them. "We can go at night when everyone is sleeping." "But-" "just wait till tonight ok?" "Fine." He slops down still in that scared face and he sits back down. "I'm going to the bathroom so try not to look suspicious, please." She walks off into the house as he watches her walk away. "And who are you?" Avian says to Hiko. He had notice he was talking to her. "I'm uh Kara's friend." "No your name." Hiko gets nervous again. It's as if he's more comfortable with Kara than with other people. "Hiko." "That's quite the name." Avian looks up and down at him as he wanted this position of the family and not someone else. "Whatever." Avian says and then walks away into the crowed. Then all of a sudden Hiko feels an urge to walk in the house as if Kara was in danger. "He walks in the house trying his best not to look suspicious. Then ran up the stairs to head to Kara. "Kara!" He yells. "Hiko..." she says. "Who did this to you?"

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