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  "I believe there's more than just a missing case Citrus, but there is no way a human can do this kind of wound because there wasn't too much blood and could mean that there still wounded. If a human did this then wouldn't it be more blood?" The investigator try's to prove a point to his boss on the case. "It's not proven but it could be a good guess. It may be the forest creatures from the forest that could have done it like a vampire, lamia, or Arachnes that could do this sense they make these similar wounds in our recent cases." The investigator also known as agent Kosher and his partner agent Chalice start my examining the scene where the possible murder happened. "Kosher, just an idea but didn't you notice the family acting very down? I mean they don't seem sad that she's gone." Chalice says. "Yeah, I have a feeling one of the family members did this." When Kosher got up he had notice a group of men sitting in the library talking. "I'll be right back." Kosher puts his things down to ask the suspicious men a question. "Hello I'm agent kosher, I want to ask if you know anything about this?" "We were in the party so we don't know anything at least that does with this case." "Don't get yourself included nor should you get your partner in this." "It's dangerous." The men go back and forth talking about how it will harm them if they try solving the case. "I want to tell you that if you get the answers your looking for you'll be killed before you can tell the real truth or even try and get evidence." Out of all the men in the group one stood out. It was the old man by the name of James. He was the oldest out of everyone in the household and knew almost anything about the forest. He knew what was lurking in the forest and he also knew what had happened. The investigator puts his statement in his notes and writes there names and license down if they happen to be a suspect. Then agent Kosher and agent Chalice take there leave back to the station.

"Should I bring her back? Maybe it's a bad idea to keep her here." "Well she was nearly killed, maybe we should heal her before she leaves?" Avian and his sister were chattering about Kara staying over when she had come into the conversation. "Whatcha talking about?" She was in a little bit of cheerful mood for some reason. "Look Kara, I have a feeling you should go back home soon." "But I told you before they don't like me! Can't I just stay here for the rest of my life?" Both Avian and his sister look at her like she's crazy. "We can't do that. That's against world wide rule." Avian says back at her trying his best to prove his point. Before Kara could talk isa starts to say something. "Kara, if we kept you here we all will get in trouble like being arrested or executed." Kara gives a big sigh. "Fine..." Kara gets up and takes the things she had on her before and ran out the door. "Kara wait," Avian says opening the door and grabbing on her wrist. "I'll walk you home. I don't want you to nearly die again." Avian walks with her holding tight to her hand almost like he's scared instead of her. "You alright?" "Oh yeah, I'm just not a fan of the forest. I may live in it but it just reminds me of those monsters that linger in the forest." Seeing that he's a human like deer it would only make sense for a non-mammal to be afraid of the actual mammals. "We're almost there anyways."

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