The boy, do I like him?

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Dear Diary,

Mingyu and I became close friends. I don't see him romantically and neither does he. I became close to other dudes too. They're all so cool.  Last Sunday we met at a park, We had a lot of fun.  Eileen seems not to like me for some reason. She was sweet and talking to me, but it was obvious she was creating a distance from me.  I'm changing to the same school as theirs. My parents gave me the freedom to choose my school. I am pretty good at academics, but my passions and dreams are further away than that. Anyways I'm excited. It's tomorrow, my first day there.  Good night!~ 

*Yoon Jin's diary ends* 

The next day,  Yoonjin went to school being all welcomed by older students.  She was in the same class as Mingyu. Eileen despised her.  Every time Mingyu and Yoonjin exchanged glances, Eileen felt a little jealous.  Hoshi saw her, he could sense her burning. They were in the corridor, and Eileen was walking straight to Yoon-jin. Hoshi called her.  Eileen felt herself coming back to her senses.  

Seungkwan and Bina were playing games in their rough book.  They had their couple of losings and winnings.  This time they decided to make a bet. 

 "what do you want to make a bet about?"  Bina says 

"A chocolate?" Seungkwan suggests

"but I don't have it," Bina says

"I do, okay let's do this. If you win, I'll give you my chocolate and if I win you will get a finger flick" He suggested. 

 That was the conclusion. They started playing again, with extra seriousness. Eileen, Mingyu, Hoshi, and Yoon came to watch them play, Hoshi and Yoonjin played the commentators

Hoshi: We can see a very serious game of Boxes being played by our two contestants, Bina and Seungkwan. Who will win? 

Yoonjin: You are right! We can see two competitive participants. Currently, we can see that Bina is in the lead, So maybe we can expect Bina's victory 

Hoshi: I don't think so, look. Seungkwan is leading the game with his outstanding smartness. 

Yoonjin: True- I wonder who will win this nerve-wracking game.

Hoshi: We are near the end anyway I wonder about the winner. We never know until the end.  

Yoonjin: Of course, as the saying goes, it is never the end until it ends. 

The match ends and they start calculating points.  Bina got a high amount of score. Seungkwan won with 10 more points. Hoshi and Yoonjin shake their hands in a very formal way. 
"That was great commentary"
"You too"  

"Okay, so the bet~," Hoshi said excitedly.

Bina gave him a death stare. Seungkwan smiled.  Seungkwan was rolling his sleeves which made Yoonjin stare at him. Bina felt a bit threatened. As he put this hand in the forehead flick position, she had her eyes shut, and her hands kept her hair away from her forehead.  After he did the forehead flick. she exclaimed in pain. They were all laughing. 

Later in the lunch break, Bina was sitting on the rooftop just staring at the skies. Seungkwan found her there. He went and sat beside her doing the same as her.  

"hey," she said 
"What are you thinking about?" he said
"Just that, I don't know what to do in the future," she said.

he looked at her, while she was continuing to stare at the sky floating through her thoughts. He sat properly and was taking something out of his pocket. It was a bar of chocolate. 

"Are you going to tease me about the bet now?" she asked.
"Yes," He said while opening the cover. 

she gave him a look that made him giggle. After opening the cover he offered half of it to her. She was shaken and she asked if he really meant giving it to her. He confirmed yes. She accepted it feeling overwhelmed by his out-of-nowhere kindness.  

"what about you? Do you have any idea what to do?" 
"well I have my own ideas" 
"you're smart, you look good, you're funny, You can become whatever you want to." Bina sighed

Seungkwan smirked and looked into Bina's eyes. "Do I look good? How good? Do I make your heart flutter?" He teased her.  Bina looked at him, annoyed at first. After looking into his eyes, her heart melted and started beating loudly, she turns towards the other side

"No, you don't, you think you really look good because of a mere compliment," She said her heart beating really fast. He went closer to her, making the tension thick. The bell rang. Bina ran out of the place and went to class. Seungkwan followed thinking about how cute she was at the moment. 

"She doesn't look like that but she's quite cute" 

"He doesn't look like that but he's quite flirtatious"   

"He doesn't look like that but he's quite flirtatious"   

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