We meet again.

5 0 0

Bina was alone waiting at the bar.

It was 6 50 pm. She reached earlier than everyone else

Maybe this is because she couldn't stop thinking about all of them meeting again.

As she was outside, she saw a blonde masked man making his way into the entrance of the bar.

"Who the hell takes Iced Americano inside a bar" she comments.

. . .

"Oh. You're early" Eileen commented

"That's what I am."

She made Eileen giggle with her sassiness which Eileen didn't get to see for a while.

"What are you waiting for? Come in!" Eileen grabs Bina in.

Mingyu, Yoojin, and Hoshi reach shortly.

"Seungkwan isn't here yet?" Bina asked sipping into her bottle of water

"Who drinks water with a straw??" Mingyu asked

"I do" she shrugged.

"About Seungkwan... I don't know" Mingyu commented.

"Bina, you must be missing him a lot" Yoonjin commented making Bina speechless.

"I missed you all"

"You look empty Bina, it's obvious"

"Okay, fine. I miss him. He was my best friend alright?!"

The blonde masked boy who had been sitting behind them smiled while slurping his iced americano at his own pace. Ever since he heard his name, he had been eavesdropping on their conversation.

After their conversation had been distracted, Bina was still visibly empty. Maybe she really wanted him there.

The masked boy finally decides to step up. After he gets up, Mingyu recognizes him. But the boy signed him to not say anything.

He slowly walked towards Bina from her back and startled her.


"SEUNGKWAN YOU-" Bina blurted without thinking much.

Maybe it was because she was so used to Seungkwan being the only one who used to tease her. When she turned around, she realized it was Seungkwan.


He smiled

"I heard you were missing me terribly?" He teased.

"Who said?" She asks feeling embarrassed.

"You said" He answered.

"When- Were you eavesdropping on us all along?!"

They just met and they're already bickering.

Like they're 10-year-olds again.

"Kids- Stop" Yoonjin interfered.

"I feel like I'm back at school looking at them bicker," Eileen smiled.

Seungkwan and Bina stood still looking at Yoonjin as if some teacher were scolding them.

"Sit down, I can't believe I got to tell you guys that myself." Yoonjin giggles

Bina sat down.

"Hi, guys!!" A loud active sound entered the room.

"Hoshi!!" Seungkwan voice softened as he went to Hoshi for a hug.

"Do you have any idea how much I missed you?!?! How can you just go missing like that?!"

"I just came and you're already nagging?" Hoshi chuckled.

"Then what'd you expect after abandoning us for over 7 years?" Bina commented stirring her water with her straw.

"Why'd you stir the water with straw-" Hoshi asked Bina

"It's for the FEEL, You guys are going on ruining it" Bina sassed.

"Something is wrong with her" Hoshi whispered to Seungkwan's ears

" I know" He whispered back.

"Hey! I can hear you!!"

"Enough of this! How are you all doing?" Yoonjin asked a common question.

"Doing good!" Mingyu stated.

"same here" Everyone followed one another.

"Also Seungkwan. You look SO different than the last time I saw you" Hoshi commented

"Different as in?"

"Handsome? You look more confident in yourself"

"What do you expect from a singer?" Mingyu commented.

"You're a singer now?!"

Everyone looked at Seungkwan.

"Y'all don't see TV anymore?" Mingyu commented.

Yoonjin shows everyone her phone screen of Seungkwan's bio.

"Never thought I'd be friends with such a top star" Bina starts clapping

"You guys are making me embarrassed, stop."

"You must be very busy then"

"Can't deny that" He takes a sip of his iced americano.

While others were still talking, Eileen brought the topic back to Hoshi

"How have you been doing?"

"well... Uhm. I should be doing fine"

"What do you mean should be?"

Others looked at Hoshi.

"Yeah you- Why did you leave us? Don't tell us the same excuse you told us when we were young"

"Uhm. I quit school because I had to help my family with finances."

This was all new for everyone but Eileen.

"What do you do now?"

Hoshi didn't want to answer and Eileen caught it right on time.

"We still haven't ordered anything yet. Let's order something" Eileen diverts the topic.

"Don't forget the beers!" Yoonjin commented.

Seungkwan didn't want to drink as he had a show.

All of them got drunk in no time.

Bina was the last one to get drunk as she had less drink.

After the others left, it was Seungkwan and Bina.

Seungkwan paid for everyone.

Both of them left for a walk and ended up on a park bench.

It was a glamorous night. Breezy wind, Glowing moon, and calming crickets.

Bina was totally drunk at that time.


"Hm?" a soft voice.

"You have changed so much. Looking at your face, I keep wanting to look at it. Hearing your voice, I keep wanting to hear it."

That made Seungkwan giggle.

She changed nothing, she just got prettier and taller. She's still as talkative.

"Even you did, You finally got smart."

"You can finally recognize my visuals"
"You-" she takes her purse and slaps him on his lap gently.

"I take my word back. You haven't changed a single bit. As annoying as ever."

He pulls out his phone and plugs earphones into his phone.

"Here, take it and shut up" He offers her his earphones to share with.

The atmosphere was suddenly silent.

Bina fell asleep on Seungkwan's shoulders.

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