The Exorcism

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Its been a few weeks, as soon as clay got back to florida him and nick had a very large argument about the way nick treated the spirit. The red head knew it was an evil spirit, he knew it was demonic and had power no one had ever seen before, and yet he did the only thing everyone says not to. Disrespect george.

speaking of, With how powerful george really is, he has the power to present himself as human while in the same town as clay. Since he was now attached to the blonde, he had to find a way to really meet him in public.

the brunette had his ways around things, being here for only a month and already having a fully decorated apartment. There was little color, almost everything being either black or brown, the occasional blue pillow or candle. Its almost stereotypical how george was as a human, how he acted and dressed.

he was more closed off, except for his nights out that he found a local underground club or party. He always wore black, it was very rare you caught him with color on his body. As of right now he is wearing black ripped jeans, not baggy but no where near skinny. He had a black tank top on, hugging his perfectly fit body; perks of being a spirit.

there was a black denim jacket over it, multiple chains around his neck, multiple around his wrists, pierced ears, rings. Like I said, stereotypical. There was one ring on his hand though, one he had when he was human. It was very thick, heavy too. There was a pentagram at the base of it, a very large horned goat skull on top of it.

It was satanic to say the least. George didnt try to give off the satanic worshiper vibes, to be honest it may sound dramatic but he was friends with the man. after the underworld found out about george, found out about how he managed to escape hell with so much power. Enough power to become human again, enough power not to age or forget your name. He was one of, if not the most powerful demon, satanic spirit, evil entity out there.

it was safe to say george had to stay away from psychics, witches, empaths, anyone with any ability to sense who he was. Sure he could hide himself, sure he could mask the rotting flesh sent he gave off, but there was no way he could hide himself from the humans with supernatural abilities.

since george moved into his apartment, multiple maintenance people have come over to inspect flickering lights, scratching sounds at night, a smell that could be described as a dead animal. It was all george, it was his demonic spirit that made all that happen. if anyone knew anything about those signs, there already would have been an exorcism in the building.

but thank god no one has been inside georges apartment yet. The walls were painted black, the trim brown. There was a hundred different mirrors and paintings on the walls, shelves holding candles and little items. Though in every room, just to let george keep his power the way it was, there were other more obvious things.

the mirrors were more for his amusement, considering he didnt have a reflection since he was technically dead, and technically wasn't there.

Horned goat skulls, one in each room above each door. Pentagrams littering everything. Metal symbols and upside down crosses, even a clueless human could tell that george wasn't one for god.

though he wasn't home now, he was heading out to a local coffee shop. He had to get back into shape with his human abilities, his social skills and cues. at least that's what he thought, everyone around him saw him as angelic. his perfect body, his perfect teeth and smile, the sent of roses that follows him everywhere.

his toned arms and jawline, his chocolate colored eyes that made them look miles deep. his brunette hair that was more curly than it naturally was, just curling with perfection to one side more than the other. he was the perfect person.

clay and nick were out for coffee, eddie and one of their medium friends with them. They were discussing the next place the four of them were going to go, the Sallie house in Atchison Kansas. Now this house was said to give people attachments, give people bad luck and energy that is very hard to get rid of.

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