The Flame

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george wasn't much of a sleeper, but he found himself waking up first. there was an arm snaked around his waist, holding him in place despite him being able to poof into thin air.

he was concerned at first but then everything fled back to him from last night- or this morning. speaking of the time, george glanced towards the extremely large windows, seeing that the sun was just starting to set.

the brunette inhaled, gently lifting himself up a bit and feeling the arm around him move away and the weight on the bed shift. Though as george lifted himself into a seated position, he felt a very sharp pain in his lower back and thighs. Immediately he knew what it was from and a little smile peeked on his lips.

a little chuckle came from besides him, one that sounded tired as shit but it was a genuine laugh. George looked to his side, seeing clay looking at him with a tired smirk on his face.

"i really slept with a demon." clay brought both of his hands to his face, rubbing his eyes as he had just woken up.

"and that's a bad thing how?" george hit clay on the chest a bit, making both of them laugh. the air was thin, and it felt nice. Due to how many plants were in the room, clay could feel the fresh air despite knowing this air was probably from georges age.

"well for starters you aren't even here" clay put both of his hands behind his head, interlocking his fingers and looking at george with a smug expression. He knew the things that would make george snap, he knew that he shouldn't have really done this, but here he was arguing with the brunette.

"nope. my corpse is buried out back" george held a wide smile, one that he knew would creep clay out and him starting to laugh as a clays face changed. the blondes eye brows furrowed, his nose turning up slightly and his eyes squinting it was a perfect example of a disgusted look.

"please never say that again" the blonde shook his head, throwing his legs off the edge of the bed and staring to stand up, allowing the bed sheets to fall off his legs and reveal he was in only boxers.

"it doesn't bother you that im technically dead right?" george kept egging on, clay turning around with a deadpan expression and making the brunette break out into laughter.

"i slept with a ghost, i get it" the man shook his head, reaching down and starting to pick up his clothing that was scrambled on the floor.

clay turned back around, not even being surprised at this point that the bed was already made and back to how it was before the two messed it up. as well as george standing in front of the window, staring into the back yard as if he was watching something.

"its actually crazy to think about the fact that you are so old" clay brought up a new topic, making george sigh and turn around to face the now fully dressed blonde.

"you also slept with a seven hundred year old man" george laughed, turning this whole thing back onto clay and seeing the blondes face physically shift to a more confused un-comfort.

"i dont like that" he laughed, george joining in and turning back to look out the window. Clay got interested, approaching and wrapping his arms around the brunettes waist, semi-surprised he actually was able to feel the man under his grasp.

it was silent for a moment, a sad sigh coming from george before the blonde couldn't feel him anymore and realized the man was now just a shadow like reflection.

"you know we cant do this" george turned back around, a very sad expression on his face and clay immediately knew what this was. and damn well he knew what this was about. the air seemed to thicken, like someone had poured a whole ocean worth of water in the room and clay was struggling to stay above the salty water.

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