Back In Brighton

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its been a month since george disappeared, the three having gone to a few other haunted places and each time being more and more on edge with what happened. And they were guilty, of course they really had no reason to be, but they were.

george could have destroyed the last part of his spirit, just to save them. They knew george was friends with sallie, best friends almost, and the three had an idea that george had to do something to her to save clay.

But here the three were, in that same cab on their way to the Davidson manor again. They had all the standard stuff, the K2, the spirit box, the music box, everything just like they were investigating.

They purposely came later so the guide wasn't there, though they had booked the place for a few days. They stepped out of the car, all inhaling a bit as they looked up at the very familiar brick.

They weren't going to film, this was a more personal thing. Clay gently pushing open the doors, not feeling the same energy as they had the first time. there were rumors that the spirit in the Davidson house was gone, because there weren't any attacks, there wasn't any paranormal behavior, there was nothing.

eddie walked in last, not feeling that pressure, that wall of energy stopping her. She sighed, knowing that if george was still here, he was far from how powerful he once was.

george was a spirit, they weren't supposed to have emotions, to get attached to humans or even care about a human. But here he was, in bed for he doesn't even know how many days at a time. he estimates its been a few weeks, a month maybe.

people have come into his house, they have tried rituals and seances, summoning him, but each time george didnt move. he just laid in those sheets, the room that was taking all of his energy to keep it so perfect.

That cat, nala sitting at the foot of his bed. Animals always had a sick sense for the paranormal, and something different between animal spirits and humans, animals reincarnate.

so this cat, nala, is the same cat from seven hundred years ago, just in a different body. She always finds her way back to the house, george smiling each time she shows up again, being happy that she chose to come back again.

george felt more people enter his house, not caring enough to go find them or scare them. even though if he scared all the people who came, he would get the power and he probably would already be back to his max power. But he didnt, he doesn't scare anyone anymore.

hell he barley gets out of bed.

clay and nick walked towards the staircase first, eddie more exploring because in all truth they didnt look around the house at all the first time they were here.

the two made it into georges room, feeling a little energy but even that didnt feel like george. There was little talk, soon enough all the equipment being set up and nothing going off.

george sensed it was the three, immediately getting out of bed and walking down the stairs of his loft. clay and nick snapped his direction, realizing the music box at his feet was going off. Thing is, the two hid it under something so george wouldn't have seen it if he was just walking. like he had.

"can we call him-" nick asked, in particular not wanting to get thrown down a staircase again.

"I dont know- we are in his house-" clay gestured, actually looking around and seeing how big his room alone was. The bookshelves were like their own library, a couch like a living room and the loft being a whole room size doubled. But the thing was, they couldn't see the loft.

and the only way to get up there was those stairs george had warned clay about. those stairs that started this entire thing and would possibly hurt clay if he had tried to go up then. The blonde got caught staring up towards the loft, nick scoffing and immediately walking towards the stairs.

Clays Attachment || DNF || DREAMNOTFOUND Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora