Hunny, Im pregnant

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Hollys Pov:
I got home 5 minutes later and mum said that they are going to have dinner and then they both want to talk to me flr a few minutes. They say it is good news so I am kind of glad about that I guess. I dont really know what they want to talk to me about because I been doing good things and we've had all the talks about Eva so I am kind of confused.

Viv: Holly, Food is ready
Holly: Coming Mama

Holly gets downstairs and then sits down to eat.

Hol: Am I in trouble
Beth: No, Why
Hol: Well you want to talk to me
Viv: Its about us sweetheart, dont worry
Hol: So I havent done anything wrong
Beth and Viv: No

They get back to eating and then Viv askes Holly to help her sith the dishes so Beth can have a rest. Holly is confused because her mum hasnt done that much today but just goes along with it.

Beths Pov:
Me and Viv are so so so excited to tell Holly the good news. We have been hiding it for 4 months but now we do need to tell her before she starts to see. Its just so nerve racking and scary.

Viv: Ready to tell her
Beth: Ye, Nervous though
Viv: I know, we didnt have to tell a child last time
Beth: Very true

Viv: Sweetie please can you come in
Holl: Course

Holly comes in and then sits down.

Beth: We got some good news for you
Hol: What is it, your scaring me
Viv: We have been keeping it a secret for a little while
Hol: How long
Beth: 4 months
Hol: Oh
Beth: Hunny, Im Pregnant

Holly is speechless but runs and hugs both her parents but is careful with Beth.

Hol: Oh my god, Im going to be a sister
Viv: Yep, You happy
Hol: Hell Yes
Viv: Always wanted a sibling didnt you
Hol: Always
Beth: We have been hiding it for 4 months
Hol: Well you had to be sure, how long left
Viv: 5 months
Hol: Whens it due
Viv: April 20th
Hol: A week before mine
Beth: Ye, Are you okay with that
Hol: Ofcourse, that will be fun

They talk and watch movie for the rest of the night and then Holly goes to bed early because they have a 11:15 am match and she has to be uo at 8:30 and at the complex by 9:15 am so they cab get on there way to Aston Villa Youth Pitch.

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