Bad News

802 16 5

Just so you people know, the word count is 1345

Eva: Holly, wake up, we need too shower
Holly: Okay, I'll join you in a minute

Eva gets undressed and then goes into the en-suite whilst Holly wakes up, gets undressed and goes into the shower with Eva.

Holly cuddles Eva from behind and places kisses on shoulder.

Eva: I love you so much Holls
Holly: I love you Eva Williamson-Nobbs

They both shower and then get dressed and then head downstairs. When they get down there Leah and Jordan are arguing.

Jord: I'm sorry
Eva: Mum what's going on
Jord: Nothing hun, you two okay
Eva: Ye I'm good
Holl: I'm feeling, scared for this docs thing
Leah: It will be fine bud

Holly and Eva sit down and start eating breakfast whilst Eva and Jordan go upstairs and they can hear a bit more arguing and then they hear the word cheat.

Eva: Oh god
Holl: She hasn't has she

Jordan comes down crying and then leaves. Leah then comes down crying.

Eva: Mum
Holly: I'll go after Jord

Holly leaves and goes after Jordan whilst Leah and Eva talk.

Eva: Has she...
Leah: Ye
Eva: Who
Leah: Jamie Lee Napier
Eva: Again
Leah: Yes
Eva: What's happening
Leah: Were getting a divorce
Eva: No, please no
Leah: We may work out in the future but we need time apart
Eva: No, no divorce just not in the same house please
Leah: Eva....
Eva: Please, me and Holl worked it out
Leah: This is the second time you've been cheated on though Ev

Eva runs off up to her room.

Leah: Fuckin hell

(Jordan and Holly)

Holl: Why Jord
Jord: I don't know, it just happened
Holl: You cant sleep with someone else
Jord: I know Holl, it just I don't know
Holl: Come here

Holly brings Jordan into a hug and they hug it out.

Jord: She wants a divorce
Holl: I'm not surprised, this is the second time

Jordan hangs her head and they are back at the house so Jordan wipes her tears and they make their way inside the house, Leah is sat at the dining room table and Eva is sat next to her.

Jord: Lee

Leah dosent say anything but Jordan notices the bags.

Eva: She just needs space Mama
Jord: Where am I supposed to go
Leah: Jamies is probably open
Jord: No, I'm not gonna go there
Holly: Go in our spare room

Jordan nods her head and grabs her bags.

Jord:I'll uhm....come back for the appointment Holl
Holl: Okay, thanks Jordy

Jordan takes her bags and takes her car to Beth and Vivs.

Leah goes into the bathroom and Eva and Holly cuddle up on the sofa.

Eva: God, everything's falling apart
Holly: It really is at the moment
Eva: I'm so glad I got you back
Holly: Same baby, I missed you

(30 minutes later)

Jordan walks back through the door and the other 3 are ready to leave.

Holly: Let's go

(45 minutes later. At the hospital)

Sarah: Holl Miedema-Mead
Holly: Here

Holly, Eva, Leah and Jordan follow Sarah back to the examination room.

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