Chapter 2

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Deliah cracks open the dusty door, revealing the depths of the abandoned diner.

There were no lights other than a flashlight she has in her hand. Occasional sparks came from the tipped over, broken arcade machines.

She slowly steps deeper into the attraction, looking around in some sort of awe. An awe that a place like this exists.

Of course, there is dirt, moss, and dirty water everywhere she looked. Not a single spot was saved.

She turned the corner into a room with a doorway, boarded up. She raises a hand up, and easily tore it down. It must've been years since those were placed. They were moldy on the inside, easily making them weak, and easy to tear down.

She points her flashlight in the room, only to have her mouth open agape.

Inside the middle of the room, was an animatronic. They were sitting down. Dirt, flies, and broken. It looks like a green bunny. One of it's ears looked like it was ripped off. It's eyes are closed.

Until suddenly, they open, revealing a purple glow.

Deliah gasps. taking a step back, as the robot came to life. "W-wait! Wait! Calm down!" The glitchy, deep voice says.

She doesn't move. "I... I need your help. I need you to help me."

"...H-help you?" She echo'd back.

"Yes! I really need your help." It, more like he, says rather quickly. "I've been trapped in this room for a long time... a-and I don't know where to go..."

"Uhm... What am I supposed to do about it?" She ask.

He stutters, not knowing how to answer the question. But he quickly shakes his head. "W-what's your name?" He asks happily, like Deliah was a 5 year old.

"I'm Deliah." She responds. "Do you have a name?" She asks, looking around a bit.

"I'm... Springtrap."

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Springtrap. But I gotta go home. My dad will kill me more than he already does if I'm too late to get home." She says quickly.

She turns to leave, but he calls out for her again, causing her to falter and turn back. "If.... If you don't mind, Deliah... Do you think you could come by and visit every now and then...?" He asks softly.

Despite just meeting a robot in an abandoned restaurant, she couldn't help but smile. "I can do that."

She quickly leaves afterwards, practically sprinting away.

Springtrap looks at the ground. 'Kill me more than he already does'? What's that supposed to mean?

Ehh, whatever. It's not his business. He just hopes she'll come back soon.


Deliah arrives back to her house, where she instantly went straight to her room, closung the door, and locking it.

Nick was always drunk every time she got home from school. So everyday, she would run straight to her room, and lock it. There's only been a couple times where Nick would bang on her door, trying to get in, but always fails and just ends up leaving.

Things weren't as bad as they were once Nick became abusive, but she still needs to plan out things in order not to get beaten. Which she's actually gotten pretty good at. She knew his work schedule, when he sleeps, when he wakes up, and the times he passes out from the alcohol is an added bonus.

However, a confrontation is inevitable every now and then, where she would be forced to fend off Nick on her own. Which most of the time, doesn't work out well for her. She's too small to hit him in any vital areas, such as his head, but that also helps in zipping past him in order to get to her room.

She sits down on her bed and grabs her bunny friend. She squeezz it, listening again to the sweet sound of her mother's voice, only to be interrupted by Nick banging on the door. "Stop playing that!!!" He screams past the door, banging on it even harder.

"Or what??" She teases.

He stops banging for a second, before she hears the biggest bang she's ever heard on her door, causing it to almost break down. Nick's footsteps walked away shortly after.

She sighs, letting her heart calm down from that small heart attack. She thought Nick was about to break down the door with that one.

She set her bunny next to her on her bed, only to think about Springtrap in that diner. How long ago was he stuck in there? It must've been years...

Now that she thinks about it, her bunny looks a lot like him. Just not green and dirty.

Tomorrow's Saturday, so she'll be stuck at home all day with Nick tomorrow. Unless...

she leaves before he even wakes up.

End of Chapter 2

[REWRITE] Springtrap and Deliah: A story about abusive Nick.Where stories live. Discover now