Chapter 8

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The tension in the room is at its highest, seeming as Nick doesn't move away from the door at first, causing an awkward moment of silence.

Springtrap's gaze says nothing more other than to 'back off'.

However, when Nick does move, it's to the couch where he sits down and turns on the TV.

"Ballsy." Springtrap barely mutters.

Deliah looks towards the couch before grabbing Springtrap's hand. "Let's go." She whispers, tugging on his arm.

He listens, following her up to her room, to which she motions him to wait. She goes in and closes the door.

He stands there impatiently for a couple of minutes before she comes back out in a different set of clothes. "Are we going somewhere?" He asks, tilting his head.

"Yeah. We're going to Harry's." She says as she walks towards the back door.

"Uhh, okay." He mumbles as he follows her.

She opens it and holds it open for him before stepping down.

The walk to Harry's was filled with silence. Deliah kept her eyes forward, just wanting to get to his place as fast as she could.

Springtrap lagged behind, hugging his arms to himself. He looks around the empty walkway, hoping that someone doesn't turn the corner and go,'What the hell is that thing??' In a screaming voice.

Eventually, they arrive. Deliah walked to the door, breathing in and out before knocking and opening it.

She looked around as Springtrap entered. Harry was running the counter, his head resting on his hand as he looked towards the door, sitting up and smiling when he noticed who it was. "Deliah!" He says.

He jumped off the chair and walked to her. She tried her best to smile. "Hi, Harry."

He stops right in front of her before pulling her in a hug. After a second, he lets go and leaves his hands on her shoulders. "You been doing okay?" He asks, looking between her eyes.

She slightly nods. "The best I can be." She giggles softly.

"Did anything happen?" He lets his hands slip from her.

She shakes her head. "No... I just want out of the house."

"Alright..." His gaze travels to Springtrap, who's standing there awkwardly.

An awkward moment of silence happens before Harry speaks up again. "Do you want anything?" He asks Deliah.

She nods with a dumb smile on her face.

He knowingly smiles, too. "A sandwich?"

She nods again as her smile grows wider. He laughs, telling her to follow him.

He leads her to his kitchen. She sits down next to the table as he goes towards the fridge. "Oh! Harry!" Deliah says.

He turns to look at her as he opens the fridge. "Yeah?"

"You were right! Nick is afraid of Springtrap! When he finally saw him, all it took was for him to stand up for him to almost piss his pants."

Harry chuckled, grabbing a couple of things out of the fridge and placing them on the counter. "That's good."

"We also played Hide and Seek! And we watched TV!" She says, kicking her feet out from the chair.

"Really? Did you have fun?" Harry asks as he starts preparing the sandwich.

She nods happily. "I never knew there we so many... uhh... like, different things on there."

"Channels?" He suggests.

"Yeah! Channels!" She points at him for getting her to remember. "That's what it was."

He finishes putting everything together and then walks over to her, giving her the sandwich.

"Thank you." She says before she takes a giant bite out of it.

Harry sits down next to her as she eats, continuing to talk about other topics.


Springtrap sat down at a nearby seat. He rests his head on his hands, trying to get terrible thoughts out of his head.

She doesn't hate him. She doesn't. She's just hanging out with her friend. It's okay. It's okay. She just forgot about him. It's ok--

He stops.




She forgot?

"Of course she forgot about you."

He jumps up at the sudden voice. Quickly looking around the room, he spots no one.

"Why would she ever want to hang out with someone like you?"

He grabs his head. "Be quiet." He lashes out.

"Why? Just so you can hide away from the truth?" The voice giggles.

"I'm her friend. She wouldn't forget about me." He tries to reason.

"Yet she walks off without you. You deserve to be alone. Just accept it."

He looks up to see four ghosts of the dead children smiling and laughing at him.

"Leave me alone!" He says, trying to shoo them away.

They start singing things to irritate him. He grabs his head again and tries to calm himself down.

The singing continues and continues...



Hearing her voice, everything snaps back to normal.

He looks up towards the noise to see Deliah in the doorway. "Deliah..."

She walks into the room, Harry behind her. "Sorry, I just had to get something in my stomach." She giggles before gasping. "Wait! We should play Hide and Seek!" She smiles.

"Hide and Seek? I haven't played that in a long time." Harry mentions. "Though, seeming that you're almost bursting with energy about it, I wouldn't mind. Who would seek?"

She points at Springtrap. He blinks. "Uhh... y-yeah. I can do that." He stands up.

Deliah smile grows wider. "Okay! Look in that corner and start counting to 20!"

He slowly nods. "Okay."

He walks into the corner. Deliah and Harry look at each other smiling, preparing to run off.


They start running.

End of Chapter 8

[REWRITE] Springtrap and Deliah: A story about abusive Nick.Where stories live. Discover now