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"Hello, sir? Reservation name?"

Zayn was met by the manager of the Ritz as he entered the posh eatery with two children and a dog. At least it was on a leach. The manager gave him an appreciative once over. Zayn wore a black tux minus the bow tie.

He couldn't possibly disrespect the Ritz now could he?
He was wearing his best clothes.

Zayn smiled at him. "Mr Styles. My husband should be here. Harry Styles." He couldn't see Harry from where he stood.

"Yes, we have your reservation. But sorry dogs aren't allowed."

Zayn clicked his tongue. "I apologise. I couldn't leave him on his own. He's a puppy and the damage they do, hey?" He smiled. "Is it possible to have someone look after my dog? I heard you provide the service at the right price. Name the price. Then add it to the bill. My husband will take care of it. He's well mannered and won't cause bother. The dog that is."

The manager nodded a smile on his face. "Of course, sir." He took the dog from Rhiannon who was holding it and snapped his fingers. Someone came forward, he gave them the dog. "Your party is this way." He said then lead the way.

"Now, Rhia, no running or calling out daddy's name until we're at the table okay?" Zayn said quietly.

"Okay, dad." She nodded excited.

Harry's table was concealed further back meaning he didn't notice them until too late.

"Daddy." Rhiannon ran to him.

Harry jumped up from his seat upon seeing them. He hugged her absentmindedly and pulled a chair out for Rhiannon to sit down eyes not leaving Zayn who was throwing daggers at the other person on the table.

"Zayn_" He chuckled nervously looking at him. "You are here." He spoke quietly.

Harry didn't like a scene. Zayn knew that.

He turned his full attention to Harry. "Hello, darling. We're not late, are we?" He walked over to him and kissed Harry on the cheek handing him their son. "I forgot to ask for a high chair for Joey. Do you mind?" He gave him the fakest smile possible and took a seat.

As Harry lifted an arm to get attention of the server, Zayn looked at Harry's dinner companion. It was a small guy with mousey hair probably in late thirties or early forties with lips pursed, forming a pointed smirk.

The guy wore a black suit, white tank top underneath and the campiest blue silk scarf Zayn has ever seen draping around the neck. He instantly didn't like him.

"I'm Zayn Styles. Harry's husband." He introduced himself.

"Louis Tomlinson. Harry's friend."

"His friend? Six years you think you know someone. My mistake." Zayn fake laughed. "I thought I knew all of your friends, darling. None of which we'll be caught dead in the Ritz they prefer members only places don't they?" He said to Harry in a sickeningly sweet voice.

A high chair was brought for Joey Harry user the opportunity to drag his chair closer to Zayn. "Please. Not here." He pleaded whispering in his ear.

"Darling, your mother trained me better than to make more a fool of myself than I already am." Zayn glanced at Rhiannon. "See anything you like, sweetheart, tell daddy. Alright?"

"Anything, daddy?" She confirmed with Harry.

Harry nodded. "Anything, sweetheart."

"That's our daughter Rhiannon." Zayn said looking at Louis. "Harry is not doing introductions properly. He's holding our son Joey. You have kids, Lloyd?"

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