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"Hey, Liam. Come in." Harry stepped aside for him to come inside the house.

Liam was Harry's best friend he followed him as Harry led to the lounge. "Are you opening your own branch of Toys-R-us?" Liam said looking at toys lying on the floor everywhere. "There's a toy box there, Harry."

"Go on and put them there yourself in the box. I'm fucking tired." Harry said pouring himself a bourbon.

After picking up his daughter from school, he drove to his mom's to get Joey, and when the housekeeper gave him three Tupperwares filled with food, Harry hugged her so tight thankful. Rhia had already started asking what's for dinner and he had decided he was going to order in. He wasn't in a stable mind to cook.

"Wanna drink, Li?"

"Tea, please." Liam said.

"Well, you know where the kitchen is." Harry gulped down his drink and poured himself another shot going to sit down on the couch. "I'll be here."

Liam rolled his eyes, but went on to make himself tea. He was no stranger to Harry's house. He returned back with a cuppa and the dog trailing behind him. "I woke up your puppy, sorry."

"Thanks." Harry groaned when the dog jumped on his lap. At least his kids were in bed, it was past their bedtime.

"So, what's up with you? What's with the sullen face?" Liam asked taking a seat.

"I said a swear word to my mother." Harry replied.

"You said a swear word to your mother? How old are you five?" Liam chuckled.

"I've never said a swear word infront of her. It was a major moment."

"Excuse me? You called me to your house urgently to discuss a major moment you had with your mom? Can you be any lesser momma's boy?" Liam said taking a sip of tea.

"I called you because Zayn is gone, Liam. I want to file a missing person's report."

Liam was a detective. "You serious? Is he not asleep?"

"As serious as can be, mate. He is not in our bed dozing hugging a pillow." Harry said. The house felt empty without Zayn. "I don't know where he is."

"Zayn is missing. You called me because you fear the police will suspect you killed him? Is that it?"

"What the fuck?" Harry scoffed. "I called you because I went to the police they told me to come back in 48hrs even though chances of finding anyone alive after that are slim."

"A police officer told you that?"

"Watching crime dramas told me that." Harry said. "I need to find him, Li. I'm just scared for him out there alone. Please help me."

Liam sighed. "Okay. When was the last time you saw him?"

"Last night_no, this morning. Let's say around seven that's when I woke up and he wasn't there. I've called. Sent texts after texts he's not replying. Did I say the calls goes to voicemail? They do."

"You tried calling Justin?" Liam asked.

"Justin knows nothing. So he says. I'm not sure. He was busy trying to get me to buy stuff for a cake stall Zayn volunteered to be in charge of."

"Zayn volunteered for the cake stall? Really?" Liam said chuckling.

"Focus, Liam." Harry groaned. "On finding Zayn."

"What happened you guys have a fight?" Liam asked. "Do you even fight? Thats the problem with couples who don't fight. Shit piles up and before you know it, boom, it hits the fan."

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