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Harry woke up with dread. He's hurt Zayn and wasn't sure if they could recover. After him and Zayn talked, he spent the few hours left until it was morning awake.

He couldn't sleep Zayn was crying silently as he tried he heard every hiccup, suppressed sob. He wanted to wrap his arms around him and was afraid to do so.

They have to discuss a way forward. Like counselling. He will give that a try. Anything Zayn wants he'll give a try. He had forgotten what him and Louis used to text about. He will look at that later perhaps in the privacy of his office. That wasn't to relive the discretion. But to understand his one mentality at the time.

He loves Zayn with all his heart. Why the hell did have to spoil that for something that was worth nothing?

He rubbed his eyes, feeling tired as he's slept an hour at most. He turned his head to his side to look at Zayn. His husband wasn't there.

"Ha." He scoffed. "He's always up before me." He said to himself, unbeknownst to him he was on the path to realising the little things Zayn did.

He had work to go to. Climbing out of bed, he went to have a shower. Then got dressed in his suit neatly ready for him in the closet. Lastly he put on his shoes, grabbed his wallets, both phones old and new and walked out of the room leaving the bed unmade.

It was 0800. He starts work at 09. Normally leaves the house around 0830. He didn't have to rush to work at 09, if he was being honest. it could be later than that if there were no meeting. But he loved to be professional and set example.

He entered the kitchen, as usual he expected Zayn to be there singing and swaying hips to music coming through the Echo speaker whilst his son Joey would be banging spoons on his baby high chair like a drummer and their puppy playing with dog toys on the floors.

It was quiet. Zayn was not there. The dog was snoozing on its dog bed.

"Zayn?" He called out opening the kitchen patio doors to look if he was sat outside. They had a gazebo, Zayn loved sitting there reading when Joey was asleep.

The dog was disturbed by the noise and woke up made his way to Harry entangled itself around his feet.

"Not the time, Sherman. Where's your dad?" Harry asked walking towards the lounge in search of Zayn.


"Dad?" Rhia came down the stairs still in her pj's, her hair tousled all over the place .

"Rhia? Why you not dressed, sweetheart?" Harry rushed to her. "It's after 8."

"After 8? Dad? Where's dad? I'm waiting for dad to get me ready. Dad?" She yelled shouting for Zayn.

"Keep it down, you'll wake your brother_shit." Harry cursed quietly running up the stairs. "Joey?" His son when awake he crawls up and jump out of his cot-bed starfish style like an entertainment wrestler onto the floor.

His heart was beating fast as he reached the nursery expecting the worst, his son with a twisted neck. Joey was awake and lying in a pile of cushions forming a fort on the floor fighting a night nappy with his feet.

"Daddy." Joey smiled waving at him.

Harry went to pick him up. "Wanna pee_" he cursed quietly when Joey peed on him. "You just did."

"Daddy, I'm going to be late for school. I have to get dressed now." Rhiannon said impatiently watching as Harry was busy slipping another nappy on Joey.

"Get on with it then Rhia, you're capable. I'm busy here in case you haven't notice. And brush your teeth, take your school bag and meet me downstairs."

Love me harder. *Zarry-mpreg*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora