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"How's your mom?" Harry asked looking at Zayn.

They were lying in bed on their sides facing each other.

"She's okay. She says hi." Zayn shut his eyes a second thinking about her.

He arrived by train in Leeds where she lives. Together they went to his dad's grave in Bradford to put new flowers, then had lunch and talked for hours. He told her about Harry's indiscretion.

Advise she offered was, he has to decide whether to stay or leave. Then stick by the decision he made without looking back.

"Tell her I say hi back." Harry reached out and tucked Zayn's hair behind the ear. "Love the purple colour by the way."

"I love it back." Zayn smiled.

Harry returned the smile, and continued playing with Zayn's hair and teasing the scalp with his fingers. Zayn closed his eyes, he loved it when Harry did that. More so at the end of the day when he's beat it was soothing.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there with you, my darling. I would have love to be." Harry sighed. He missed his father who too died when he was young. "I tried to call you."

Zayn opened his eyes looking at him. "I don't have a phone, Harry. Not a working one anyway. Didn't you see my old one I put it in the closet next to where you keep your watches. I thought after you bought me the new phone you can put the SIM in for me like you always do because I have buttery fingers so you say."

Harry smiled staring at Zayn's lips. "Can I kiss you?"

Zayn frowned. "Perhaps not."

"Worth a try." Harry nodded then kissed Zayn's hand instead.

"Yesterday when I kissed you when you were with Louis that wasn't to make him jealous let me put that out there. It was for our daughter's sake I didn't want to expose her to the animosity I felt at that moment." Zayn said. "What were you two talking about before I got there?"

Harry sighed. "He said he wanted to apologise for his behaviour. For us to stay friends. I went there to tell him to leave me alone and that I couldn't be friends. I would take a restraining order against him if need be. I'll see how that goes. He hasn't got my new number. Look at my phone, see for yourself. The pin is the same as our wedding date. As is the same for anything that needs a PIN number really. It's easier to remember."

Zayn knows that to be true, he's always unlocking the laptop for Harry who is terrible at remembering the simplest of passwords.

He bit his lip looking at him before leaning forward to kiss Harry on the lips. He kissed him softly and Harry kissed back steadily slow, careful not to push his luck.

Zayn gave him a peck on the lips before climbing out of bed Harry's eyes followed him as he walked round to his side of the bed.

"Come here." Zayn took Harry's hand pulling him out of bed. "Wait there." He made his way to the walk in closet and brought back a chair, put it in the middle of the room. "Sit." He pointed for him to sit on the chair.

Zayn went to close their bedroom door and locked it. He slipped his T-shirt off and dropped it on the floor, then pulled his sweats down, kicked them to the side. He stood infront of him only in his boxers.

"Do you like what you see?" He asked him.

"I love what I see." Harry smiled.

"Take a good look, Harry. Do you really like what you see? If I am to stay I don't want to spent the rest of my life doubting and looking at the mirror wondering if I am what you want. I need you to be honest with me. You like what you see or you think you can do better?"

Love me harder. *Zarry-mpreg*Where stories live. Discover now