Chapter Nine

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Riff was boiling. He walked into the apartment and shouted Y/n's name. No response. His anger turned to panic. "Y/n!" He yelled again. Again no answer. He barged through her bedroom door. He pranced up the stairs to the roof. He saw her on the edge. He silently walked over to her. She sniffed silently. He cursed to himself. As he walked closer to her, the sniffs became more prominent. "Y/n," he cooed. She looked over at him, tears streaming down her face. "Oh, god, Baby, I am sorry, I didn't mean to yell." Her face wrinkled up and let tears fall again. "Oh, love," he closed again, bringing her face into his chest. "I'm sorry, I said that. I don't wish for you to die," she hiccuped. I smiled at her. "I know you didn't baby. I know that you were just trying to warn us. And I promise you, that everything will be ok. I can assure you," He said, kissing her head. "But I-"

"Hey, I'm not innocent either. I yelled at you for trying to protect us. I'm sorry, baby," he whispered. She looked at him with care and creased her cheek. "What did Tony want?" She asked. Riff sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. "He wanted us to stop the rumble," he huffed. "Why?" She asked, turning to face him, very into this new subject. "I have no idea. But if I was to guess, it would be because of that girl he met at the dance. "Oh, Maria. I've heard of her, from Velma and Grazie, she's new to New York. Like only been here a few months. That dance yesterday was the first time she's been out." Riff stood up and walked around the roof. "Well whatever she is, she is better than me and our friendship." Riff actually was quite insecure. He can't show it with the whole gang looking down her shoulder. But when he and Y/n are alone, she can read between the lines. Y/n also stood up and walked over to him. She brought her arm and guided his hand to her hip, and placed his other hand in her. She leads him into a gentle sway. He placed his head on the nape of her neck. There was just soft dancing as the sun was going down on the town. But a question popped into Y/n's head.

"Riff?" "Hmm," he hummed. "I just need to know. Why does this fight mean so much to you?" He looked up from her neck. He walked away from her and looked at the view. "Because, if you and I are gonna have a future family, I want to make sure they are safe." Y/n gasped. She smiled wildly. Riff turned to face her with a smirk on her face. Her heart fluttered. "You want a family?" She asked. Riff almost scoffed at the questions. "Of course I do. You are the love of my life so of course I want to marry you. And that also comes with a family." Y/n couldn't contain her excitement. She ran as fast as her legs would take her to him. She gripped his neck as she spun her. Her laughs mixed with his. This is the perfect moment. "Well, then. You better come home to me, with a victory on your back." He chuckled and stroked her hips. Then Velma came bursting from the door.

"Oh, thank goodness, I was worried because I couldn't find you, and Mouth got arrested this morning-" Riff let go of Y/n and turned towards her "I'm sorry, what? Arrested?" "Oh he's fine now, they got out, but it was a little bit of a stressful day." "Velma," Y/n stepped in front of Riff "Go relax, I'll be down there soon. Just gotta finish up here." Velma nods and retreats down to the apartment. Y/n turned back to Riff. "Are you ok, if I go down and help her?" She asked, letting go and making he way to the door. But Riff had other plans. He ran after her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Her giggles flew through the air like music. "Are you going to come home to me?" She asked him when he sent her down. "I promise." Riff glanced down at the watch on Y/n's wrist. "Oh, damnit. I gotta go, the boys are meeting at 6:30." He said and rushed to the fire escape. He looked back at her. She was smiling sadly at her. He rushed back over to her and smashed his lips on top of hers. She smiled into the kiss. Once they pulled apart, Riff looked down at her. "I love you." "I love you more." She whispered as he walked off, slowly to the fire escape. He blew a kiss at her and climbed down, making his way to the fight. 

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