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"You broke up with Renee." His father stated plaintively when Javier returned home from work that evening.

"How did you know?" Javier asked, dropping his briefcase down and plopping all six-feet-four-inches of himself into the nearest chair.

His father chuckled. "She showed up here looking a mess, wearing nothing but a T-shirt. And she was escorted here by a security guard. She was yelling your name so loud that the neighbors crowded the hallway, wondering what all the commotion was about. When we pretended not to know her, she came back with a hammer and did some damage to the door."

Javier's eyes widened. "I was wondering what happened to the door. That girl's crazy!"

"Then about five hours later--not too long ago--I opened the door to get the paper, and there she was, fast asleep in a heap on the floor. You barely missed her."

"Great. I can't deal with her anymore. What did you do?"

His father shrugged and returned his attention to the paper. "Called security. She promised to stop being a nuisance."

"She didn't say anything else, did she?"

"Oh, yes, she promised to get the person who was responsible for her misery. Sounds like she has it out for some other woman. . ."


A month. The man had lasted a month. When was he going to leave? Maybe she'd underestimated him and his capabilities. She didn't even have reason to lay him off, for he was an eager and eloquent worker, extremely responsible and very courteous. Not to mention good looking. No, no, that one was out of order.

"Katie," She heard the man greeting her secretary outside her office. She groaned. Would she ever have any peace? A knock sounded on the door.

"Come in," She called begrudgingly.

"Well, hello, your highness," He greeted her. In his hands, he carried three plastic folders.

"What do you want?"

He placed the folders on her desk. "Ruanjian-Zhongxin--how the hell do you pronounce that?--has placed their orders. Came today by mail. They say they're sending the money order on Monday. They're so old school with everything; an e-check and email would have been faster. Anyway, I told the guys in the supply department already, but they told me to run everything by you so that you could check it over and get back to them with your approval."

"Okay, I'll see what I can do. I have ten accounts with six different companies to settle, receipts to stamp, letters to sign, and juice to drink."

Javier laughed. "Juice to drink? How does that count?"

"What's it to you what I do with my apple juice?"

"Why do you like it so much, anyway?"

"Look, it really is none of your business, Javier--I mean, Mr. Quinton."

"Javier works fine."

"I just told you, I have a lot of work to do. Get out of my office and leave me alone."

He leaned against the wall and stood watching her. "You know what your problem is? You work too much and you work too hard. That's called overworking. You need a break."

"And what do you suggest, Mr. Know-it-all?" She asked sarcastically.

"It's the weekend. Go out. Have some fun."

She scoffed. "I don't have time for that."

"Go out with me tomorrow night, then. I'll have you back home by eleven. Promise." He grinned cheekily.

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