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All heads turned toward Elizabeth and Javier when they entered the dining room. Eight pairs of eyes, none interested in Javier, but all curious about Elizabeth, one pair holding significantly milder interest than the others. She knew that the younger children wanted to know the full story and Carolina was probably speculating about her true relationship with Javier, but William Quinton, understandably, looked as if he only wanted to know how she'd gotten on during the night. She'd stopped walking when Javier did and stood shuffling uncomfortably on her feet beneath the scrutiny.

"Well, Javier?" Carolina gestured. "Are you just going to let her stand there? Sit down, dear."

"Thank you," Elizabeth murmured, and took the seat next to the older Quinton matron. Javier took the seat beside her.

Breakfast activity had been paused because of their arrival, but now it resumed, seasoned with light conversation. The boy and girl looked at her every now and then with curious eyes, but refrained from asking any questions.

Javier must have noticed, for he stopped after a few bites to address Elizabeth. "I don't think you've met my younger brother and sister, Marcus and Jenifer. Marc, Jen, this is Beth."

"Hey," Marcus acknowledged the introduction with an admiring smile. "You're hot."

"Hi," Jenifer smiled, too, rolling her eyes at her older brother. "Nice to meet you."

"It's Elizabeth, and it's a pleasure to meet you both." Elizabeth glared for a moment at Javier, but then offered his siblings a smile of her own.

"Elizabeth, I hope Javier wasn't too much of a bother to you last night. I'm sorry I didn't offer you a guest room. When I'm sleepy, I tend to forget my manners." Carolina offered an apologetic smile. Elizabeth liked her right away.

"Ha!" William scoffed, shoving three forkfuls of eggs into his mouth, "Give her trouble? That boy would love nothing better. And they slept in the same room, too. With all the groaning in the middle of the night, I could hardly sleep!"

"William!" Carolina hissed. "Not in front of the children! And anyway, Javier's room is too far from ours for you to have heard anything."

Elizabeth ducked her head in embarrassment while Javier grinned in amusement. "Mrs. Quinton!" She started to protest. "I promise you, nothing--"

"Call me Carolina, dear." The older woman cut in, deciding she rather liked the young woman.

Elizabeth nodded. "Carolina. There's no way. Not me. Not with him."

Carolina chuckled. "Oh, you're not like the rest of them, I can see that. Alright, I believe you. Actually, I'd believe anybody over Javier any day."

"Gee, thanks, Mom," Javier muttered sarcastically.

Elizabeth didn't like being compared to 'the rest of them', but it was nice knowing she was different.

William chuckled in amusement, downing a glass of juice.

"Surely you must know why I'm here, Carolina," Elizabeth said, glancing at William. "Mr. Quinton was supposed to tell you. . ."

"Sure, he told me this morning. Tough luck, dear." She continued eating without elaborating.

"What happened, Mother?" Jen asked curiously.

"Nothing," Carolina answered vaguely. "Elizabeth's just visiting."

Marcus raised his eyebrows. "And she had to come in the middle of the night?"



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