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It was midnight, and Javier was in the Tech-Knowledge parking lot.  Too antsy to sleep, he'd decided to install the security cameras in the entire building himself to calm his nerves and work off excess energy. The darkness provided the cover necessary for his quest as he lugged the cardboard box with a grunt. The tiny devices rattled and jostled with each long stride. 

He thought about what would happen if Elizabeth ever got wind of this.  It could be safely said that that would be less than ideal. She had to be the most stubborn woman he'd ever come across. He was sure that even if she knew that this could be a matter of life and death, she'd be pissed off that he'd gone through the trouble and insist that she could take care of herself. She was so bent on being independent, and it could get annoying, but he had to admit that the whole I-can-take-care-of-myself attitude suited her.

Javier had experience with all types of women, from different social classes and cultures around the world. He knew women, and usually, he could read a woman better than she could read herself. But Elizabeth was so. . . aggravatingly different. Everything about her presented a challenge.

Upon reaching the back entrance of the building, he set the box down and took out his employee security card, using it to disable the alarm and open the door. Once inside, he made his way to Elizabeth's office and set the box down on an accent chair. This was where she spent most of her time, so this was his first priority. 

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and hit the speed dial.

"Mark, where are you?" He asked when his friend answered.

"I'm right here. West side. I was wondering what was taking you so long."

"Sorry," Javier apologized. "I'm coming to let you in now."


Javier put the device away, made his way through a few hallways to another side door, and silently opened it. Mark stepped in quietly and closed the door behind him.

"So," He began, his eyes sweeping the interior of the room he was in, "Where do we start?"

"Her office. It's this way." Javier indicated the direction with a jerk of his head and began leading the way.

Mark followed, whistling lowly. "This place is huge. It doesn't even look that way from the outside."

Javier nodded. "I know. I was amazed at first, too."

When they reached the office, Javier showed Mark the box containing the cameras. Mark looked at them approvingly. "Will's still got it in him." He muttered.

Javier chuckled. "Don't ever let him hear you say that. He's not that old."

Mark chuckled as they began the installation. About two hours later, they had completed the job. They'd gone through all the hallways on the first floor, the main corridors of the second floor, and the security section of the building, covering every room and all of the obvious as well as the more inconspicuous entrances and exits. The third floor was mostly reserved for the libraries and store rooms, so the coverage there was sparse. They convened again in Elizabeth's office after double-checking the wiring and ensuring that the feeds would be received on all monitors connected to the system.

"I'm thirsty," Mark complained.

Chuckling, Javier replied, "If you check her fridge, you should find apple juice. She's always drinking it like she's addicted or something. I personally don't see what's so special about it."

"I'll take it," Mark said and went to raid the fridge in search of the juice. He pulled out a bottle and grabbed a glass he'd found sitting on the small counter beside it. Sinking into one of the chairs, he quickly poured a healthy serving of the translucent, yellow liquid into the glass and raised it to his lips. 

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