Tanjiro x witch!NB!reader

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quick A/N: so before you start reading i just wanted to let anyone who's reading this know that i will update periodically now that things are a bit more stable. have a good day and enjoy❤️❤️

Tanjiro was on a mission, tasked with the immense responsibility of tracking and slaying demons that threatened the peace and safety of various villages. His journey, though no doubt filled with danger, was also a quest for knowledge. He travelled along with his sister Nezuko, who was turned into a demon, determined to find out more about his enemies so that he could turn his sister back into a human.

It was during one of his ventures into the deep forest that he encountered something world-altering. There, in a clearing in the woods, he stumbled across a person with an otherworldly air about them.

Their name was Y/n, and they seemed to take great joy in the little things they saw here. They were a witch from another dimension, the boiling isles, they later explained, on a journey of their own, and they had opened a portal to get to this realm. Y/n explained to Tanjiro that their magic had brought them to this realm, and that they had crossed over to get away from the boiling isles.

Tanjiro was amazed by Y/n's kindness and determined to protect them from demons and keep them safe. Despite the darkness of his mission, Tanjiro couldn't help but be charmed by Y/n's friendly and upbeat personality.

The pair soon developed a close-knit bond. Y/n taught Tanjiro about their magic and he taught them about demon slaying. When Tanjiro had to return to his mission, Tanjiro promised to stay in touch with them.

Y/n's  magic had worked wonders on Tanjiro, and he was now able to continue his mission with newfound strength. Thanks to Y/n, he felt better equipped to protect his village. Tanjiro and Y/n never forgot each other, and they remain close friends to this very day. Perhaps they will be more...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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