Part 2

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Keinan's POV

I speed down the stairs and see mom. I need to apologize.

"Sorry about before mom"[Keinan]

"It's okay. I now you mean well. Did something happen today?"[Laura]

"Well---Grace got cheated on by Dean. He was chasing he outside his mother's apartment building. Thankfully I got there in time to save her."[Keinan]

"No, Gracie. Oh my poor child. How is she holding up?"[Laura]

"I think she need time alone so, I'm gonna head to my x club meeting. I hope she can clear her head in that time. I'll be home before dinner. Okay"[Keinan]

"Okay, I'll call her down when you get back"[Laura]

I leave and get into my car I drive to my friend's house. It's where the meeting is. I get there at 4:00 pm and the meeting ended at 7:00 pm. A little late. I ran into my friend Celab.

He and I have been buddies for a while. He's a good guy. One of the few I trust. I trust him so well that I relieved my stress to him. And my biggest worry is Grace. Celab noticed my mood and decided to tag along in my car with me.

"So, what's on your mind. Is it about Grace?"[Celab]

"Ho-how did you know?"[Keinan]

"Almost everything is about her"[Celab]

"She's special to me"[Keinan]

"I know"[Caleb]

"You remember me telling you about Dean."[Keinan]

"Um- yeah Grace's boyfriend. I didn't see him at the meeting today."[Caleb]

"I kicked him out of the group, he hurt her. He cheated on her. And said he was only dating her to get into the x group."[Keinan]

"What oh my god. That ass rat. How'd she take it. Is she alright."[Caleb]

"When I got to her she was shaking and looked so scared. I think she was running from him. Thank god I made it to her in time. She looked like she was about to break."[Keinan]

"What the hell man. You me to beat him up?"[Caleb]

"No, I kinda did already. I got a few punches in, but Grace stopped me."[Keinan] we arrived at my house. We both got out. Caleb lives close by so, he usually walks home.

"You want to stay for dinner"[Keinan]

"Oh what, no that's okay. Maybe another time."[Caleb]

"You sure? You'll get to finally meet her. She's inside. I always talk about Grace. I know your curious about her."[Keinan]

She's here. I did want to see her at least once. You always talk about her. I basically know everything about her but, it's weird because I've never met her before."[Caleb]

I kept Caleb away from meeting Grace Even though Caleb is my friend and a very trustworthy one. I met Caleb in my second year of highschool. We instantly became friends. He was so easy to talk to and we had so many common interests.

But, I started becoming so close to him. That I started to let out my frustration to him. I said all the deep stuff in my heart. And Caleb was a great listener.
Sometimes I worried I've told him too much. I didn't want to worry Grace all the time. It was nice to have someone who will listen. I told Caleb a lot about Grace. He knows almost everything about her and he's never even met her.

If Grace found out I told her secrets to someone else. She'd hate me forever. She would lose all trust in me. As she should. I should've told her life story to Caleb. I told him the things she would only tell me. Things from her past. She thinks I've been keeping her secrets but really I told them to a guy she's never met. That's why I didn't want the two to meet. She'd be so betrayed if she found out.

Caleb as always been curious about her. I told him everything about my Grace. If I hadn't told Caleb her secrets maybe the three of us could have been really good friends. I ruined everything.

"You can meet her today. But don't say anything about what I've told you. Just keep your mouth shut. That's the only condition."[Keinan]

"Okay, I got it. I'll be careful of what I say to her."[Caleb]

"If she finds out I've been telling you about her and the stuff from her past. She will be very upset."[Keinan]

"My mouth is closed."[Caleb]

I walk Caleb into my house. We go towards the kitchen. Mom is humming while making food.

"Hey, Mom is it okay if a friend of mine joins us for dinner?"[Keinan]

"Oh dear, I didn't notice you were home already. Of course your friend can have dinner with us. Hello there I'm Keninan's mother."[Laura]

"Hello, Mrs.Turner thank you for welcoming me to your house. I'm Caleb Hunt. I go to school with Keinan."[Caleb]

"Nice to meet you. Please grab a plate and sit down on the table. Kenian go get Grace. The food is ready."[Laura]

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