Part 4

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"What wrong?"[Keinan]

"Shit, Shit, Shit"[Caleb]

I walk over to Caleb. All us are standing. I look over at Keinan. I didn't understand what's happening.

He flips his screen over displaying his phone. Keinan and I lean in at the same time. Butting our heads. He Yelps in pain. I just rub my head.

I look back at the screen while Keinan still massages his head. I see a chatroom or some sort of group chat. I read the messages. Each message was from a unknown user.

*Group Chat*
Unkown: hey just sharing the latest news. A friend of mine named Dean broke up with his girl. She cheated on him with her best friend.He loved her and he was in the x group. She even got him kicked out. WTF I want to help my friend. He's so depressed now. He won't come to school. This bitch ruined his life. Her name is Grace Wilson. She goes to Ace High Private School. I want to get revenge on her.

unknown1: what a bitch. Who is this Grace.

Unkown2: isn't Ace high the the top school in town.

Unknown3: doesn't she hang with some of the x group members.

Unknown4: she's a slut.

Unknown5: I think I go to school with her.

Unknown5: I thought she was dating Keinan Turner.

Unknown6: she dates Keinan.

Unknown7: Keinan the president of the x group.

Unknown7: There's this girl that's always around him. I always thought she was a leach and super annoying.

Unknown8: who ever this bitch is. I'm going to kill her.

Unknown9: what if she cheats on Keinan. Like honestly I don't care about her but I like Keinan.

Unknown10: I'm gonna scrape her eyes out.

Unknown11: I know her Keinan is always on her side. We can't get to her.

Unknown12: maybe she's blackmailing the president of the x group. I mean there's no way he'd hang out with a girl like this.

Unknown13: is it because she's really pretty. I guess I'd understand then.

Unknown14: no way if she's pretty I'll die.

Unknown5: pretty or not she's a tramp.

Unknown3: hold on I go to school with her. I think I have a picture of her.

Unknown15: bruh, I hate her.

Unknown: thank you to everyone showing their support to me. It's been tough. My friend Dean is really heartbroken. I just don't know why she'd do that. I want to strangle her.

Unknown16: don't worry are on your side.

Unknown17: honestly I'd kill myself if I was her.

Unknown18: she must be so cocky and stuck up.

Unknown19: I know her from school. Everyone hates her there. She's just so weird.

*unknown3 has uploaded a photo"

Unknown2: she's so ugly

Unknown20: not what I expected

Unknown5: does she even have boobs

Unknown14: this is definitely a guy.

Unknown10: how'd she even pull two guys

Unknown: let's teach her a lesson.

Unknown8: lets jump her

Unknown12: oh I'm going to beat the shit out of her.

I stop reading. I couldn't the messages in the chat were overwhelming me. The messages won't stop they keep going. My hands shake. I feel my body tremble. My throat feels tight.

I can't. How did this happen? Was it Dean. It's all a lie. The things they said about me. I bring my hand up covering my mouth. Trying to conceal the horror.

Keinan looks at me worried. I can't speak. Caleb throws his phone on the bed. He looks furious. Key grabs his phone to find out what happened.

 I close my eyes shut. Breath breath breath breath. A set of arms pull in. Keinan's embrace is always smoothing. The grip is secure against me. Keinan's hands rub my back. I bury my face in his chest.

It feels different some how though. Has he been working out lately. I think he grew a little too. I wrap my hands around him. I take a deep breath. Keinan's scent is different. This scent is so nice and sweet. I pull back.

This wasn't Keinan at all. I had just hugged Caleb. Oh my god. What have I done. He looks at me confused. I slowly get away from him.

I look over at Keinan. Thankfully he didn't see anything. including me hugging his bestfriend.

Keinan was too busy looking at Caleb's phone. I can't see to read his expression. He looked at me and I knew he was going crazy inside.

"What am I going to do Keinan."[me]. Keinan always solves my problems. He always has a solution. He's the one person I trust."[me].

"I don't know. I can't believe this."[Keinan]

"Keinan we have to do something, I won't ever be able to go to school at this rate."[me]

"Keinan."[me]. What is this. Keinan is quite. He not even speaking. He always knows what to do. He always saves me.

I dreamt a day like this would come. A day where Keinan can't save me. He's powerless. Nothing he does will help me. He can't protect me from the outside world anymore.

"I think we should take some strict precautions."[Caleb]

"What are you talking about?"[Keinan]

"Grace can't go to school anymore. Not until this whole thing dies down."[Caleb]

"She can't just stop going to school. It'll only show others she's scared. She needs to go and be brave."[Keinan]

"They want to hurt her. Did you read the texts. This is serious. We can't let her go to school."[Caleb]

"Okay then what do you suppose we do. What other option do we have? They know her name. They know where she goes to school. They know she's close to me. They know everything about her. If she doesn't come to school. They will come to confront her here. I know these types of people. They'll show up in front of my house and hers."[Keinan]

"Why does this stuff always happen to me?"[me]

"It's just as dangerous for her to be here, as it is for her to go to school."[Keinan]

"Keinan I know this is hard for you. All you want is her safety. She's like a sister to you. But, trust me when I say this. You will not be able to protect her at school. You can't be watching her every minute of the school day. If something happened to her on your watch. You'd never forgive yourself." [Caleb]

"What should I do. I can't just sit and watch."[Keinan]

"You can't add fuel to the fire. Don't give them what they want."[Caleb]

"How do I do that?"[Keinan]

"I have an idea but your not gonna like it very much"[Caleb]

"What". Keinan and I say at the same time.

I never thought this boy who was as sweet as honey could have such a sinister idea.

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