Part 5

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"Grace could stay with me at my house. I mean we agree it's dangerous for her here and at school. We'll let things settle down. Until then Grace can stay at my place. No one would think she'd be there. She'll be safe with me."[Caleb]

"What the hell. You want me to stay with you in your house. No way. We only just met."[me]

"I know this soumds unreasonable. But, think about it. Where else can you hide. If people from your school come here. What are going to do?"[Caleb]

"Your crazy if you think I'd agree to your stupid plan. I'll deal with anyone that comes for me myslef. I'm not that weak."[me]

"I never said you were weak. Your a strong person I know that. Your not listening to me Grace. What if they try to hurt you. You saw the messages."[Caleb]

"No your not listening. I won't be staying at your house. No unless Keinan comes too."[me]

"Keinan can't come. It'll attract more attention. He's the president of the x group. If he stops coming to school or x meetings. People will start to talk. He a popular role model student. With lots of fans and followers. Your the one that needs to go in hiding."[Caleb]

"I won't do it. That's my finale decision. This isn't up for discussion. It's my choice."[me]

"Grace"[Caleb] his voice softens. I stare into his pretty eyes.

"I'm only trying to help. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."[Caleb]

I can't with Caleb. How could he even try to convince me to stay with him. I won't. I don't even know him. I look at Keinan. He hasn't said a word this whole time. I'm furious. What is Keinan thinking. Why won't he say anything.

"I won't go."[me]

"You'll go. I think Caleb's right."[Keinan]

"What are you saying?"[me]

"Grace, I trust Caleb a lot. I don't want you to get hurt. If you stay with Caleb it would be best. You'd be safe."[Keinan]

I have never argued with Key before. How could he say I should go. I want to protest against him. But, right now were all not thinking clearly. We are overwhelmed and stressed. I have to stay calm.

"Key, I don't want to leave"[me]

"Do you trust me or not?"[Keinan]

"Of course I do. I trust you more than anyone else. You know that."[me]

"Then listen to me go with Caleb. He'll keep you safe. I trust Caleb. He's a good person like you."[Keinan]

"---------Fine. If you trust Caleb so much. I do too then. I'll go with him."

"Thank you Gracie. I know this is hard for you. So, stay strong."[Keinan]

"This whole hideout thing is only for a week. Everyone will forget in a week. After that. Your life will go back to how it was."[Caleb]

"Just a week. You guys promise."[me]

"Yes" Keinan and Caleb say at the same time.

"Okay, I'll leave tomorr-"[me]. Keinan cuts me off.

"You have to leave today."[Keinan]

"What now. It's 10:40 pm."[me]

"Grace try to take this more seriously. What if these bad people come tommorow morning. Waiting to catch you off guard."[Keinan]

"I never thought of that. Your right. Grace we should leave now."[Caleb]

"Wait, this is too sudden."[me]

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