Chapter 8: Moving equipment, knowing Vaqueros and a Chameleon

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(A/N) The parts in Spanish, may not be 100% accurate. I'm just using a translator.

Beacon Academy, Ozpin's office.

Time: 0800

Alejandro: Laswell, Headmaster.

Laswell: Is something wrong Alejandro?

Alejandro: Do you think we should move all the equipment from the FOB here?

Laswell: That's a good idea, we can't let anyone get their hands on our equipment.

Ozpin: I can allow that.

Jaune: Well, if that's settled. How many Chinooks, and Bullheads are available?

Ozpin: All Bullheads are not in use. I can only allow you to use 5 though.

Jaune: Then get your pilots ready, we're going to need them to drive.

Ozpin: Alright then.

Jaune: Laswell, how long do you think it would take to move the equipment?

Laswell: Well, considering it took us about a week to get the FOB running. With our new friends here at minimum I would say 3-4 days, or today if we push for nighttime operations.

Jaune: Let's go for 1 day, the idiots down there need a proper workout.

Alejandro: Well, then let's get to work.

Ironwood: Do you want the Ace-Ops to assist?

Jaune: That would be appreciated.

Ozpin then pulled a mic for the P.A.

Ozpin: May all military personnel report to the Bullhead docks. Thank you.

2 Hours ago.

Weiss: Why do you guys wake up so early?

Ruby: Yeah?

Ghost: The old man likes to discipline those who aren't following our schedule back on earth.

Blake: So, you were forced to wake up at 5 in the morning?

Roach: Usually 4:30, but he's giving us a small break.

Yang: That's nice, I guess?

Soap: Aye, now let's get food I'm hungry.

Gaz: Alpha and Bravo are already there.

Nora: Let's go! I want pancakes!

Ren: Nora slow down.

Pyrrha: She's surprisingly active even though it's 6.

Ren: It's Nora may I remind you.

Ilia: ...

In the cafeteria.

RWBY, NPR, and 141 saw the Ace-Ops and everyone else talking.

Weiss: The Ace-Ops are here!?

Soap: We did a mission with them a few days ago, and Ironwood wanted to assist.

Yang: You didn't get hurt, did you handsome?

Soap: *Blushing*N-nah, it was easy.

Roach: Yeah, you call clearing a massive warehouse with no one being able to fight back easy.

Soap: Fine, boring how about that?

Roach: Whatever.

Weiss: Wait, warehouse? Like the one that had a ton of dust and exploded?

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